when your mind is away....

am knackered today, can't think straighet and my fingwers are runnins skightly wonkey. 4 hours is not enough sleep fir anuone an dseepecially not on a day when She is going to Rainbows and ha spesetered me since 4 for a thinh tha startrs at 6!!!!!!

For sale or loan; pretty princess, one careful owner. Tendency to run slightly fast but good service history. Would prefer something silent.

Or a decent nights sleep.


  1. Is your Princess feeling better then ? Poor you hope you had time for an afternoon nap.

  2. Hope you have a better night....in fact hope you are asleep NOW!!

  3. I could do you a part exchange on a similar model if you like! Hope you sleep well tonight xx

  4. I love the fact that She has a capital S (because They do don't they).

  5. Hope you're sleeping well this night. I'm finally getting a chance to check back in with my blogging buddies...sorry to see you're having such a rough time of it! I truly hope your days get brighter!!!

  6. Ahhh so she is feeling better then! ;-)

    I know what you mean about sleep deprivation. I am in a bad cycle of it at the moment. And on that note, I am off to make more coffee!

  7. Oh I remember those days....although I'm past that stage (my two are 15 & 19) sometimes I yearn for them to be my little buddies again, when I was their whole world and they adored me and showed it! I'm sure you won't thank me, but really, treasure these years, even the sleepless nights!Hope you manage to catch up on your sleep this weekend.
    Gill x

  8. It really sounds like you need some sleep...I do hope that you manage to catch up soon and enjoy a restful night.

    Marie x

  9. Bonjour!

    I hope things are calmer in your gaffe this week?!

  10. I love the post!! Have you read I Will Never Ever Eat a Tomato by Lauren Child - those peas remind me of her martian rain!!

  11. Okay, where in the heck are you? Hope everything is well. I miss reading your posts!


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