14 years; You get less for murder.

That's a family joke when it's time for an anniversary. (Two doctors, two nurses and two teachers in the same house = sick sense of humour)

And this is my own dearest darlingest man.

I have known him since I was 11. (he was 15)

I have fancied him since I was 16. (he was 20)

I have loved him since I was 22. (he was 25)

I have been married to him since I was 25. (he was 28)

I have been co-parent with him since I was 30 (he was 34)

and I have been thinking about him since 9am this morning. We (that's all 5 of us) are having spaghetti bolognese and garlic bread this evening with sparkling wine to celebrate 14 really fun years.

There was the first anniversary when his firm went bust the day before (he was an employee not a boss, so it wasn't too bad)

There was the anniversary with DP when the 'candlelit dinner for 2' didn't quite happen (imagine someone soft and cute trying to smile a very bad tempered Mother into happiness. When he patted my arm and reached over for a kiss, me and DH ended up laughing at DP.)

And there have been anniversaries when we went out for dinner a deux. Now, we like to include the kids in the celebration. After all, they help keep the marriage full of interest (we always have something to talk about) and we can always celebrate alone later. (The bottle of sparkly wine, two glasses next to the bed and something short and slinky... Mmm-mmm)

I know he never reads this, so I can say what I like about him. If you don't mind, I'd like to be really soppy and say he suits me better than anyone I know and that I just love him absolutely, body and soul. *sigh*


  1. Happy Anniversary!! Enjoy the wine and that something short and slinky hehe

  2. Happy Anniversary to you both.

  3. Happy Anniversary and enjoy the wine!!

  4. Awwww, happy anniversary - hope you've all had a lovely evening!

  5. Happy Anniversary. I like the headline of the newspaper he's reading very apt!!!!

  6. Congrats and Belated anniversary wishes to you both.

  7. Bless!!! Happy Anniversary!!!!!!! Hope you had fun!!!!!!


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