The Diary of A Domestic Competent.

I thought of the name, I'm darned well going to use it so, for those of you in shock and wondering where Angel Jem is... it's still me, just a new improved (I hope) and little sexier me. Domestic Competency. Just good enough, the mantra of my life. Some people strive for excellence, me I strive to be good enough.

And I fully expect a TV series to follow. A combination of Anthea and Nigella, with the decent cooking taken out but plenty of finger licking, a white glove test, but only on one perfectly polished table, and a lot of scenes of gratuitous sleeping. Just good enough.

Post script; I didn't like it; I prefer to be Angel Jem. She is me and I am her. Good to be back. The DomCom was too bossy!


  1. Love love love your new name!

  2. Love love love your new name!

  3. That took me by surprise - I looked in my bloglines and thought "I didn't subscribe to that. Rubbish software, grumble grump," but no, it's you!

    Great name!

  4. Evidently I love it so much I need to tell you twice.

  5. I love your new name, and I love your previous post too.
    : )

  6. Fab name!!! Even if I did a grump like dotty did too!!

    I have told my relatives if they give away my hardwork I will come back and haunt them in a horrid horid way!!! They will appreciate them if it kills them!

  7. love it. I am the domestic incompetent.


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