My little one is ill...

She has a cold and is feeling dismal. I, too, am not exactly brimful of life. This is my third child off in three weeks. Work is a distant memory and, with Christmas under 11 weeks away, my budget is assuming supermodel thin proportions. Oh, that I could sell my ideas or buy presents with the honesty currency of my childhood... alas, nobody pays for my thoughts and I have dismally forgotten to plant any money plants in my back garden. Next year I'll remember.

However, to brighten my darkness the courier brought this....

three days early and just before lunchtime. I have read five pages, scanned the rest and I pronounce it acceptable. As a Domestic Competent, I salute the Artist! Thank you, Jane, for a read suitable for my Earl Grey tea.... and I have to go compile my Christmas present wishlist... just how many Persephone books can one girl have?


  1. Oh, poor Princess - hope she feels better soon. Mine haven't stopped snuffling for weeks.

    I must order that book - it looks so gorgeous ...

  2. Poor little girl. Nice to hear it's not all bad, that book looks gorgeous, it's on my Chritsmas list. I've not seen Persephone books before, wow aren't they fab?! I can't add any more to my list but one day maybe I'll treat myself.
    Gill x


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