Night Night, Garden, sleep tight.

Today I put the garden to bed. I cut the grass for (hopefully) the last time this year, I brushed up all the fallen leaves so far and collected all the kids toys into boxes and plastic baskets ready to go inside the little house and stay there all winter. Although the children go out and play, usually they like playing running games rather than sitting and drinking pretend tea, so they don't need the teaset or little chairs. I put away the washing line, tucked the chairs and table against the wall . I put the barely used parasol into the garage. Hopefully no mice will find it and chew it. And then I sat on my blue bench and drank a glass of cool water and sat down to enjoy the low afternoon sunshine. I know I'll need a warm bath later, but for now the knowledge that my garden is fit for 4 or 5 months will keep me warm.


  1. Oh, you are good. Ours is a mess, a cold wet muddy mess. The bulbs are all in but I can't quite bring myself to go out there and do much tidying when the inside of the house is in a state too ...

  2. Awwwww sleep well dear garden :o)

  3. There's another thing to feel guilty about not doing. I think I'll just wait till the start of next summer and toss all the broken things in the bin. Sorted!


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