
So, after the stress comes the spend (my life is a little like that)

I went to Borders and got swayed by a little (!) book called 'Home'

Aside from the cute pink binding, it was the pictures that won me as much as anything.

The little girl's room.... look at the dress hanging up and the dotty suitcases for storage.

We used to do this with the Princess.... the sink was just about big enough, the bathroom was too small to fit the baby bath in, and with a 4 year old and a 2 year old to bathe too, the less stress the better.

And one of those artfully artless photographs that probably took hours to set up and look like it's permanently like that.

The book is divided into sections; Start, Live, Share, Nest, Bare and Find, but essentially runs you through the house and suggests things to do/have/live with. It's bigger on pictures than text, and the text strives for a poetic quality rather than a straight narrative approach. I actually like this, as I don't need always to be told "This chandelier has fairy lights on it from Habitat". Especially in a book, where the photos may be older, the details aren't available or (I hope) my daughter will be reading this in 20+ years time as she plans her own familial base.

I especially love this section about the lounge.

A dictionary definition reads 'to pass time
lazily or idly', and this is something we should all be able to do well in
our own home. As satisfying as it is to make rooms tidy and beautiful we all
need our portion of comfort: a soft chair or sofa (and if we can jump on it, so
much the
better), cushions on the floor, or a really squishy rug that we can
lie on to do puzzles or read the paper by the fire. Everyone has their own idea
of the perfect place for doing nothing,and.... it should be one that invites you
to switch off and just

Already making space in my lounge for a basket of lego (again) so that JW doesn't have to feel excluded when he needs (his word, not mine) to build a space port.

A list of shops and websites provides enough ideas for a few computer sessions, so I am looking forward to the freedom to browse... after I've tidied the living room, reorganised my kitchen and done all the things that a new book usually inspires me to do.... or I may just go for a cup of coffee and a lie down until the dizzy spell passes.

*apologies for the pictures. I scanned them & my 'puter wouldn't let me crop. Technology. Great when it works ;op*


  1. A bit of retail therapy works wonders doesn't it?! Nice book, now that's another one for my Amazon shopping basket...what's a girl to do?
    Glad everything went ok for you yesterday, relieved it doesn't appear to be anything to worry about.

  2. I looked around our bedroom today. Having seen the pictures from that book, I think I may just cry - there's so much to do I don't even know where to start!


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