Painting and Embroidery...

Today I am going to paint a large picture for the Church's light party.
This is me painting, can't you tell?

I have always been really good at displacement activities; you know, the things you do when you have something you need to do and you aren't yet ready to settle to it. My bedroom was always neatest just before a big essay was due in, while I could always justify starting another glove/toy/book when I had to cook (BC that is... children won't let you displace for too long before yowling with pain)

So, for the past few weeks I have had a job to do; to produce a large painting to cut up as a jigsaw for the Church Light party (a Christian take on Halloween. We don't do witches, ghosts or ghouls, but we do do fairies and superheroes, with dressing up and an emphasis on Jesus as the light that saves. It's cool, because my kids get to go out on Halloween but not to trick or treat which I hate when there is a trick element to it) I have the card, I have the paint, the brushes, Halloween is tomorrow......
And I'm displacing. I know I should be painting and I'm here posting. I would rather communicate with my pals on the ether than paint a simple blooming picture! AND I NEED IT BY TOMORROW

I like painting.
I like the light party.
I don't want to Procrastinate

But I do.

And now I know I will spend the afternoon in a mad rush to paste and paint what I need to, drying the paint with a hairdryer so that I can chop it up into pieces and take it tomorrow. I know that I will be cross and make a mistake with no time or resources to correct it. I know this.

And I'm still here typing.

Actually, I'm considering watching my new DVD which has arrived today, what do you think?

My sock drawer needs a sort out.

I could alphabetise my CD collection.

The cutlery drawer is messy.

I have to make my presents for Christmas.

I have to find a picture of Sean Bean. (No reason, just personal)

I have to find a picture of Daniel Craig (same reason as before)

You do know I have to go and paint, don't you? So WHY ARE YOU STILL KEEPING ME HERE?

I'm off really I am you can't keep me here this time I have to go now........

Well, OK, time for a cup of tea, then.
I bet you don't procrastinate, do you?


  1. Hi Jo,

    I'm pretty good at procrastinating myself ~ in fact, I really should be clearing up and putting my stock away after this weekend's show, so I had better make a start.

    Marie x

  2. Here I am procrastinating with you- you know I have a whole house to pack up in the next 48 hours. But sitting here reading your blog I feel no sense of urgency!

  3. I am terrible for procrastinating. I have a list of jobs as long as my arm to do, but I am browsing blogs and ebay, and I know I will regret it but I can't help myself! Good shout on the Daniel Craig/ Sean Bean photos - I may have to add that to my to do list!
    Cathy XX

  4. I procrastinate all the time. That and buying craft stuff I will never use - because I am too busy procrastinating. Good word though!

  5. Nothing wrong with procrastination, the internet is such a great help! I seem to work best in short bursts then need a ditraction for a while, often involving a biscuit.Mmm Sean Bean!

  6. Daniel Craig

    Sean Bean

    Now get on with it!!!


  7. Oh I procrastinate with the best of them... so that'd be you then lol ;o)

    Will you be sharing a piccie of this painting when it is finished with us all?

  8. Yup - I'm a fully paid up member of Procrastinator's Anonymous which is why I'm here and not sewing/ crocheting/ ironing etc etc etc xxx

  9. Do you know the only time my cooker is clean is when I am procrastinating oh I see the Henry out and very dirty floors or should I read some more blogs???

  10. I'm a pass master at work avoidance, hope that picture got done in time. I remember when my children were younger and attended SUnday School they had fancy dress Bright Parties for Halloween - good fun, I don't actually approve of trick or treat.

  11. Oh I'm a very bad procrastinator. I'm particularly bad at it when I'm a work. When there's a difficult supplier to chase I would far rather tidy my desk. At home and with my own design work I'm not so bad because mostly I enjoy what I'm doing. Anyway, as it's now Friday, I hope you managed to get the painting done on time.

  12. Well I am sitting here reading blogs when I should be doing "the house work" blehhhh!

    Hmmm a coffee will get me going, and perhaps a quick brows over at .......

    Happy bonfire night!

  13. Oh how I could relate to your past, I had better get on and stop myself being distracted, I might just have a quick look at your other posts first!

  14. Haha-watch the dvd!!! And I agreed with all your comments about ARWAV!! Much less gorgeous than the original!xx


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