I've got a Golden Ticket...

And I'm bringing a friend, too! Two whole days of hooky yarny goodness! Yippee!


  1. I've just had a look at it and it looks fab, I'm sure you will enjoy it.

    1. I did desperately want to go last year. I'm taking my daughter and having a mummy and daughter weekend. It's a good job she likes crafting.

  2. I'm hoping to go this year. In fact, I was hoping to go last year but it was the weekend that Daniel was moving out to go to uni, he went on the Sunday and I didn't feel that I could leave him on the Saturday as it was his last day at home. Fingers crossed for this year then, I might see you there.

    1. I will be stood at the coffee bar wearing a red carnation. The code phrase is "Trebles make good blankets" and my reply will be "but double is better for baskets"

  3. I bet you will have the most marvellous time.
    Lisa x


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