Gratitude 10/365

Back again after 3 months. I am really bad at anything requiring consistency. Never can manage too many days on the run but today I need to record my gratitude. Really I need to get my gratitude out there.

My Dad, who makes things and takes me to B&Q and is always there. I am so grateful for him.

An hour sat chatting with Number 2. He's 14 and mothers are not often spoken to as knowledgeable colleagues of Minecraft and Steam but tonight I was.

Yarn packs by Attic 24. Dang but that girl is lucky to be so famous for crochet. I'm glad it's possible.

Pasta meals. Quick, easy and tasty. Thank God.

Sarah Ban Breathnach. I'm reading Peace and Plenty, a sort of financial tome. Will I have more money at the end? I doubt it, but I'll be happy.


  1. SBB is a wise old bird.
    I'm reading Simple Abundance at the mo.
    Lisa x

  2. I love her whole story; that she made millions but lost it because she forgot to live by the path of Simple Abundance. The whole everyday is special, be the best you, enjoy the details of life and love what you have not what you want (all I have is all I want and all I want is all I have) makes sense. I'm glad she picks herself up, dusts herself down, goes on Oprah and gets on with doing what she does best.
    I'm glad you're enjoying Simple Abundance. It made a difference to me when I was first a mother 16 years ago. I still re-read it with pleasure.


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