Easter means.... chicks, bunnies, lambs and....

A complete excess of soft and fluffy. I gave the Easter boxes to my Mini Me and told her to decorate the fireplace.
The Fireplace. I still love having a mantle that can be decorated.
It's funny, I love my Christmas decorations to be up for the full month (I'd love to put them up in October, personally) but Easter is a much shorter period of celebration. Perhaps it's because of Lent; lots of my friends are abstaining, resisting, preparing. It seems to run in the face of Lent to get the house decked out in fluffy sweetness.
The' tree' appeared last year and has stayed. I like marking the seasons
 in a small way with the decorations on the tree.

So this week, the last before Easter seems the right time to nod in the direction of the season. My fireplace is ready and my daughter has done her worst; it's a riot of chicks, fluffs and everything cute. Overkill?

Is there a house in the country that doesn't have any of these fluffy chicks somewhere?
I love the painted wooden eggs; one of my Easter favourites.
Probably; but this is the only place in the house that has lost all sense of taste, so I'm happy to roll with it, Easter eggs, Tree and all.

Happy Easter to you all!


  1. That's a lot of fluffies. I miss having a mantle, I don't have anywhere to decorate like that here.

    1. We never had one at the last house and it was one of the main features I told Mr Angel Jem I was after in this one!

  2. It all looks adorable! I love the mantle, so nice to have a place to decorate.

  3. And someone to decorate it! Time flew by so getting my 12 year old to work on it seemed like a good idea! Don't know what I'll do for the summer....


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