Meal Planning Monday!!! Yeay!

It's the second week of term and the countdown to half term has started already. Well, it is only a 5 week term, so that's a blink of the eye.

Meals for this week are;

Monday; Pork fajitas. I cooked the pork on Sunday and left it in the fridge to be ready for a quick and easy meal after 2 hours of tutoring and before bookclub which today is discussing The Girl On The Train by Paula Hawkins.
Tuesday; Stir fried beef. We have some spring onions and some sugar snap peas to throw in with noodles and have a tasty chinese!
Wednesday; Meatballs and mash. We love Aldi meatballs, or Frikadellen as they're called. They cook quickly and go with loads of options. Like mash, or chips, or pasta. Today is mash and peas and gravy. Lots of gravy.
Thursday; Spaghetti Bolognese made in a jiffy with mince and a jar of pasta sauce. Somedays I am a lazy cook.
Friday; The children are having fried chicken and chips, while we will have a fast paella from the Hairy Dieters later on.
Saturday; Possibly tea at my parents, or they may come here while I cook. The lads have exams, so revision at home is a distinct necessity.
Sunday; Family party (not at our house!) so it will be fun to eat a meal that I haven't had to cook!

I'm joining in with At Home with Mrs M, but I'm not sure I'll have time to post a link across.....


  1. Another week sorted. You are right this half term will whizz by and then the weeks until the summer hols will drag as the second part of this term is much longer. Hope the party is lots of fun. We don't have an Aldi very near to us, the closest one is in a part of town we have no other reason to visit and it doesn't seem worth driving to.
    Lisa x

    1. The seven weeks two days of beautiful warm clear sunshiny days before 6 short weeks of near constant rain that is the summer holidays? Next term will drag!

  2. Sounds like a great week of meals and good that you will have a couple of days off! That is always nice isn't it. The meatballs sound great!! xx

    1. Family favourite around here; we have them most weeks!

  3. Sounds like a lovely selection of meals. I shall try & join in next week x

  4. You're very organised. I decided this morning what we're having tonight - fish risotto. Nothing else planned for the rest of the week.

    1. I used to do fish risotto pre-children. What fish do you use?

  5. Yum, that's a lovely selection of meals. Roast pork for us tonight, and we did have a Sunday dinner yesterday as we ate out but two roasts in two days, who cares? It's an even shorter term for Eleanor this time as she goes on study leave on the 13th of May and doesn't go back until the week after half term. These exams are scarily close now, lots of revision happening here too.

    1. I know! Apart from second son who suddenly found out he had a week of exams last week... on the Sunday night. Whoops!

  6. I'm going to go looking for the Aldi meatballs. It's always nice to try something different that I've found in the 'blogosphere'. Jx

    1. That's part of the fun! We eat them as part of a picnic in the summer as well.

  7. I never tried the Aldi meatballs but always have some Ikea ones in the freezer. We've started the countdown to the summer holidays (no half term in Scotland), just 8 and a bit weeks! No exams this year for us, phew. I have followed your example and made a meal plan for the week, I haven't done this in nearly a year!

    1. I might not always stick to it, but having the plan there means I shop once a week and always know I should have something good to make!

  8. Well done - you're far more organised than I am this week! I try to meal plan but it's gone to pieces a bit recently - however you've inspired me to make the effort again. And your meals sound great - I may borrow an idea or two...(especially Aldi meatballs as I need an excuse to go to Aldi and look at their running stuff!)

    1. One needs no excuse to go to Aldi. Good luck with the running stuff; I hope they had something you want?

  9. I really enjoyed reading your meal plan. I try to plan our meals but am lacking inspiration at the moment and we're trying to eat less meat too. I can't believe how quickly the next half term will come round, we'll blink and it'll be July and we'll be breaking up for the holidays!

    1. Some weeks it's a lot more boring, and needs to be. Roll on July!


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