Meal Planning Monday

Joining in with At Home With Mrs M, and I might even post a link there if I can grab the time later.

It's a school week again. Boo hoo. Holidays are over for a few more weeks. So back on to the easy cook, quick meals after working all day or before going out at night.

Monday; Spaghetti Bolognese. I'm tutoring until 6 and out for 7 for WI quiz night, so no time for anything fancy. Quick mince and a jar of sauce will have to do!
Tuesday; Gammon and parsley sauce. I forgot to put parsley on the shopping list. Whoops. I'll pick some up after school choir, and get the meal on the table in the half hour available for us to eat as a family.
Wednesday; Enchiladas. We eat a lot of fajitas, they're quick, easy and popular. I'm on a healthy eating campaign and this recipe comes from the Hairy Dieter's Eating For Life. Essentially it's fajitas assembled, smothered in salsa and a little cheese and baked. What's not to like?
Thursday; Easy Chicken Bake. I have jointed the whole chicken (on Sunday, during the FA cup semi final) and frozen it to use on Thursday. Chicke smells so awkward to me if left in a fridge for a few days.
Friday; Children are having burgers. easy and simple to cook. I might even get one of them to do it. We're eating pork and rice with veg later on. It's basically paella but with american long grain rice rather than short, slodgy rice. 
Saturday; I don't care. I am out. I am NOT cooking for anybody and I am NOT shopping for it either. They're all either grown ups or immeasurably more sensible than most people give them credit for. If all else fails, Mr Pizza Hut delivers. I will not be in any fit state on Sunday to care. (red wine)
Sunday; Roast chicken and sweet potato mash. With gravy and cauliflower cheese. Or it might be a pasta with a jar sauce. It depends how much red wine I drank on Saturday.

I hope your meal planning goes ok; and I have a question for you. What is your favourite short prep food dish? What's the fastest meal from door to table that you do?


  1. My meal planning is abysmal this week. I don't even know what we are having today. I think it will be leftovers. Chicken in the fridge does smell funny, you are right. I don't eat reheated chicken just because of the smell.... yes, I am a bit weird. Ah the joys of combining work with children! I do like your weekly plan. Must start this again, I was good last year, when I was unemployed.... x

    1. Work is the bane of the employed classes. I can't work without a weekly meal plan, even if I don't always post it here.

  2. Absolute fastest meal I can do for two is 5mins. M&S smoked haddock fillets lobbed in a pan with milk and a handful for frozen petit pois, high heat to almost reach boil and then turn temp right down and flip fish over. M&S Ultimate Mash slung in the microwave at the same time for 5mins, when it dings it means the fish is ready too. Mash on plate, fish on top all cheffy like, peas and some of the now flavoured milk to taste around the edge to be sucked up by the mash. No real prep, barely enough time to boil the kettle for a cuppa before its on the plate and edible.

    1. That's impressive! I would enjoy this, but fish is wasted on two of my three unless it's battered and deep fried!

  3. I really, really need to start meal planning. My problem is that I have a major supermarket just around the corner so can just get what I want on a daily basis. I do like home made though. Nothing fancy, just tasty. For speed I would choose a lovely smoked river cobbler done in 3 minutes in the microwave served with cous cous, 4 minutes, and some salad. I also love a ready made homemade quiche and baked potato. X

    1. Now I'm feeling really hungry!
      And the temptation of a supermarket around the corner would be fatal to me, I'm afraid! Although the fresh every day aspect is really nice sounding, I'd have a whole load of extra stuff in my trolley and a budget gone to pot!

  4. I try to meal plan but often it falls down when everyone has activities at different times ... and not everyone likes the same things ... and if we have the same meal too often it's 'BORING - ugh' . But I try! Quickest meal is always pasta - either with pesto, or sling a few peas in just before it's finished cooking, then stir in some chopped ham, salami, sardines, cheese or whatever's in the fridge. Very simple, but only 10 minutes start to finish and easy to vary for different tastes!

    1. We have two meal choices a day; take it or leave it. If I know there's a meal somebody really hates and another person really loves, we have it occasionally. Pasta always goes well in our house!

  5. I like the idea of your weekend meal planning. How much fun (and red wine!) on Saturday wherever you are off to.
    Lisa x

  6. Omelettes are super quick and bung a load of salad on the plate. Only good for a couple of people max, no fun cooking them for five! Or chicken Caesar salad - bag of baby spinach and rocket, sauté chopped chicken breast then fry bread croutons, or bung part baked ciabatta loaf in the oven for 10 mins. Add shop bought dressing and bingo. I hope you have a great Saturday night and no headache Sunday morning :-)


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