I said I wouldn't be back...

But I'm only popping by to point you towards this Link; 

Because I love my city home!


  1. I saw that link on Facebook this morning, it's brilliant. Shows Liverpool as the city that it really is, not the one that people imagine that it is xx

    1. And don't people imagine quite a bit!
      I was prompted to put this up by Heart-Shaped who had been on a trip to Liverpool, and it reminded me that what I think of as 'just Liverpool' is actually a really good place to visit!

  2. Well done for posting this. I've loved visiting Liverpool the couple of times I've been nearby and this post shows even more places to visit.

  3. Great link! My boys visited Liverpool recently and had a brilliant time.

    1. It's a really alive place, and something for everyone!

  4. so funny! I went to University in Liverpool and loved it. ashamed to say haven't been back for over 20 years...... must remedy that......

    1. in fact I lived in one of those tower blocks in the bottom left of picture 25!

    2. Now that's just bragging!

    3. they were pretty grotty...., the council condemned them, so the college bought them and put students in. I looked on google maps and they've been done up again now. so funny to see all the places I remember, and some new things. We used to go to Albert Docks and watch them film the weather on a foam map of the UK that floated on the water.

  5. My dad used to work in Liverpool & we used to visit a lot x

    1. What was your favourite part? Or were you here after the riots when I have to admit the city was not a pretty sight?

  6. Thanks for sharing the link - I've never been to Liverpool but it's definitely on my list - it looks fantastic! Judy.

    1. If I didn't live here I would have had a weekend here by now, guaranteed.

  7. Haven't been to Liverpool since we took a school trip for a tour of the university. It's on my list of places to visit now that I can really appreciate them.

    1. Remember to tell me what you liked best when you come!

  8. Loved that link. Naaaa, don't think it's got much going for it. I've never visited Liverpool, I really should remedy that, especially as it isn't really that far away.

    1. And the Beatles. Did it mention the Beatles?

  9. I haven't been to Liverpool since 1997, despite not being that far away, I think I should remedy that too. xx

  10. If they did my city I think they'd struggle to come up with 1 reason!!!!

    1. Which great Northern powerhouse do you live in or near? Leeds? Sheffield? Bradford? I think every city has something good going for them, if only the friendliness of the people.

      Except perhaps for Milton Keynes. I don't know what its good points are.

  11. I haven't been to Liverpool in so so long. It looks so different to how I remember. I will, however, be spending quite a lot of time there from September. I'm looking forward to it now. Really pleased to have found your blog via Judiths. Please pop over and visit me sometime too. X

    1. What are you doing in Liverpool? Work or study? And I will be over to visit soon x


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