I started another thing...

It's been holiday time around here the last two weeks, so I have actually had time to do things. A lot of things. It's as if not working but being in a job I wanted to get things done. Strange feeling. I usually just lie down and let it pass, but this Easter I decided to go with the flow and just (ahem, Nike quote here) just do it!!!
And I never even wrote a to do list. In fact my to do list for the holiday was just a lot of errands that I didn't need desperately to do but might have done if I got the time. Instead I did some bigger projects, the kind that sit on your brain and make you think, " I want to do that, and will do that .... if I ever get the time...."
I have a Ta Dah! post to do which I will post tomorrow, but today here is the start of the next project; a granny square cushion cover.

It's using up all the little balls left over from my ripple blanket Attic 24 (how much do I like her colour combinations!) and, really, needs very little explanation. You do a granny square the size of your cushion pad, do a backing, sew/crochet together, edge and seal either using buttons, ties or a zip. It can't be hard if I can do it!
I wanted to post a picture of it all finished, but the light is too poor. You'll have to wait, and I'll have to try again later or perhaps tomorrow. I'm hoping this energy lasts when I'm back at work, that my afternoons from 2pm when I'm not ITing for Mr AJ's firm can be used to prettify and male comfortable my home. Fingers crossed!


  1. Can't wait to see the finished cushion. I wanted to order the cushion pack with chunky yarn but it's out of stock till the 25th. Amanda x

    1. I ordered a chunky pack. It came really quickly; when I ordered there were 200 packs available, so for it to have sold out within a week is pretty impressive!

  2. You can do it! I'm sure your cushion will be lovely.

  3. Thank you! I had a day at my parents' house today so it is well finished. I need to take some photos and put up my Ta Dah! for THIS project.

  4. I crocheted my squares together and then sewed them on to a cheap cotton cushion cover, that way I didn't have to put a zip in myself, and the crocheted cover had some backing too. I'm looking forward to seeing your cushion.


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