Books, films, and pizza

Last night was the WI bookclub. We talked about The Secret Rooms by Catherine Bailey and Nella Last's War, which made for interesting discussions. One is about the aristocracy, the other is a lower/middle class woman, one set during the first, the other the second; one set up a mystery and the other was the minutiae of life. Chalk and cheese? Yes, but both well written and well worth looking at. And ultimately both about the futility of war.
Tonight's holiday treat for me and my boys is Ender's Game. War, again, but this time in the future. It's on now, so I'm watching and going to finish writing soon.


  1. I've taught Ender's Game to middle school students when I was a teacher. Good book. I would love to be part of a book club, it always sounds really interesting.

  2. I like book club meetings when there are opposite views, makes it interesting.
    Lisa x

  3. I've never been part of a book club, I bet the discussions about the books are really interesting with lots of different views and opinions. Hope you enjoyed the film, not one I've heard of.


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