Blogmas 8; What is on my Christmas Wishlist this year?

Santa Baby, for Christmas this year I would like;

  • A new Cath Kidston purse. You can never have too many. Seriously. And this one is red.
  • A matching umbrella. I know my Mum has bought me the bag as well (because I ordered it for her) so to be all matchy matchy with this print (it's red roses) would be lovely.
  • Perfume. I love perfume and I have just run out of the expensive stuff. I'm happy to wait a little longer and pick up a  bargain in the sales. Mmmm Sensuous Nude
  • A microwave. One of the first videos I even took was S watching her heating pig turn round and round. It was so funny. Our microwave broke at Easter and we never replaced it, but I think the depths of winter might be the right time. I want the red one, the Princess wants a purple one.....
  • A clear work surface in the kitchen. Seriously, I am cooking Christmas dinner today and the only surface that is ever used for prepping and cooking is less than a metre square. I need more space.

I'd love world peace, I'd love an end to suffering and pain. I'd love the ebola epidemic to end with no further loss of life. But since I think that takes time, effort and a lot of belief I'll settle for a gift for the world, like Oxfam Unwrapped. I like the look of the Give Girls a Headstart gift.


  1. I think those unwrapped gifts are a great idea. So many people don't know what they want, or have everything they could ever want, that helping someone less fortunate would be a wonderful gift.

    1. I agree. One year my brother and his wife invested in unwrapped gifts, but they chose animal charities because that's what they like; we as a family would probably choose an overseas aid or children's charity gift but we were still happy with the gift because at least it wasn't more stuff in a stuffed life!

  2. I hope that you get all that wish for. xx

    1. And you do too, having one's wishes fulfilled once in a while is a very happy feeling. I probably would like that to happen when I have a more humanitarian, less product driven list!

  3. I have asked my hubby for one of those work tables for the kitchen and I am really hoping this year will be the year I get one. I might just have to leave a empty space in my dining room so that he get the idea.. great list. I lvoe seeing what everyone has on theirs

    1. I seriously do my food prep in about a metre square of work surface; but I cleared the kitchen floor to see if I had space for the table and everybody keeps commenting how lovely the space is so now I'm feeling like a heel for wanting to fill it again!

  4. I have a Cath Kidston purse, but it's blue, and yes, you can never have too many. I love the matching umbrella :)

    1. It's the fact of it being a red purse that makes me think just one more would be lovely; that and the chance to be all matchy matchy at last!

  5. Your kitchen work space sounds as restricted as mine, it gets a bit frustrating at times!
    I hope the CK goodies come your way and maybe the world peace by next year?
    Lisa x


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