Blogmas 12; Winter Wonderland where I live

How often does it snow in our world? Thank God for Bing Crosby, or we'd have no idea what a White Christmas was. Having said that, we did have a particularly lovely Christmas one year when it started snowing on Christmas Day just after everybody I knew would have travelled back to their own homes and when the houses must be groaning with food, drink and merriment possibilities for every one. Excellent timing; enforced rest when we needed it most. And it was good.

But for the children (and probably me, this year) the most excellently timed snowfall was the day we were due back to school. The Princess' school declared defeat and closed at the first snowflake, the boys struggled in to find out that their brave High School also weren't prepared to suffer the pain and anguish of teachers' cars being buried and got sent home. Two extra days after the holidays. Bliss.

We walked in the snow, and built snowmen. The Christmas food had been eaten, but I'd stocked up for the expected snowfall and we hunkered down. Marshmallow hot chocolate, homemade cookies and soup (not together) and the last tin of chocolates all eaten with icy fingers fresh from the snowfights and forts and fun.


  1. What fantastic snowy memories for you all!! xx

  2. I think the first snow that Daniel and Eleanor ever saw was on New Years Eve one year. They were in bed and it started to snow so we got them up and dressed and we all went outside to play. You've got to make the most of it when it arrives, I thought it would have probably gone by morning and they'd have missed it.

    1. Love that idea. We used to dive out at the first flakes of snow.... now we dive straight in to the house!

  3. Last year was a bad one for us. We were out of school 2 additional weeks after Christmas break!!!!!! {{sigh}} my kids were so at each other by that time!

  4. Beautiful snowy photos and memories! There's nothing better than those unpredicted extra fun days. They are extra fun just due to their spontaneity!

  5. It was like a little Christmas gift from Above :) I love it all. Such fun memories and pretty photos!


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