Blogmas 15; Christmas decorations

Christmas decorations; made with love by the daughter.

Made with a deal of determination by me.I am not a natural knitter. My nisse are looking after my house this season. It's full of love, smiles, laughter and just enough bitter sweet memories to add an extra dimension to my sweet life.

They look after my house and my family, according to tradition. And I love my little houses (last year's created decoration!)

The trees just look magnificent at the end of the mantelpiece. I loved making these!

And my cross stitch banner is up again. This must be about 4 years old now.

This is about the first year that I can look at my fireplace and smile at the amount of handmade decorations on it. I think over half of the stuff that is symbolising Christmas here this year has been made by me. That's a proud feeling.


  1. I am in love with all your handmade decorations, they are soooooo beautiful. Especially love the trees. :)

  2. You have so many lovely decorations! I really like the hama bead decorations that your daughter made, very creative indeed! xx

  3. Very beautiful decorations! You're very talented!

  4. Beautiful hand made decorations! I'm impressed!! Those can be the best kinds - made with love.

  5. They're all wonderful. We're missing a much loved handmade decoration this year, a huge lump of salt dough painted silver which nearly had the tree over each year it was hung, lovingly made by Eleanor at nursery school and brought out of the decoration box each year with much hilarity. It finally gave up the ghost last year and crumbled, but it did well lasting so long.

  6. Oh, you should definitely be proud: your handmade decorations are all so beautiful! I love the Christmas trees!

  7. So you should be proud - your creativity is wonderful. My favourites are the Christmas trees.

  8. How lovely your mantelpiece looks, you are very clever indeed. Great coasters too!
    Lisa x


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