Blogmas 3; What are my favourite Christmas movies?

Get a pot of tea and settle down. This could be a long post.

Christmas movies are an essential family activity in our house. This year on Facebook  I have listed the classic Christmas Movies we have watched so far. We started about the 6th November and it will take us all the way to Christmas Eve to see all our favourites. Here, in no sensible order at all, are some of our favourite Christmas Movies of all time;

  • The Muppets' Christmas Carol. One of the most faithful representations of the spirit of the book, even if Charlie is a blue thing with a long nose and Bob Cratchit a frog. My only complaint is that the DVD version cut out a beautiful song between Belle and Ebenezer, a song I rather liked. Amazon's Muppets' Christmas Carol is only £6, and a worthy addition to any Christmas movie collection.
  • Scrooge. The 1970 musical version with Albert Finney. Thank you very much, December 25th and other rollicking songs make for a heart warming midwinter watch, although I have sat and watched this in July to get me in the mood sometimes. Scrooge on Amazon is £4.

  • Elf.  "I passed through the seven levels of the Candy Cane forest, through the sea of swirly twirly gum drops, and then I walked through the Lincoln Tunnel."   Oh, and the quote about the four food groups. Cracks me up every time. Elf on Amazon is only £3. A bargain.
  • It's a Wonderful life. James Stewart finds out how much of a difference one man can make to a town. A life affirming, wonderful watch. The year Mr AJ came home (on our anniversary eve) to tell me he'd lost his job, this was the Christmas movie I made him watch. Who was it said, "Our greatest deeds we do unknowingly"? Don't know, but they were wise! And the whole back story of the movie as a lost tale that could never have seen the light of day again makes it even better! Amazon's copy sells for £10.99.

  • Love Actually. I love the several stories going on at once; how different ages and classes find different things in Christmas to seek out and love. And which character are you? I don't know. I think I've been Emma Thompson but nowadays am rather more Bill Nighy. Amazon have this at £6.99
  • The Holiday. I make no apology for this. This is a Christmas movie worth watching just for the English cottage alone, even if only as a timely reminder that movie magic is all show and no trousers and that beautiful place Does. Not. Exist. But, ah, how I wish it were truly there. The cottage decor wins hands down against the Hollywood glamour but I think both are knocked out of the park by the brother's house, Mill House. And at £2.74 on Amazon, an undoubted bargain as well!


  1. I have only ever seen the last two, I think I have some catching up to do. Thank you for the list. We do have a copy of Elf here, maybe I should watch it this weekend.
    Lisa x

    1. They are all classics! Mind you, I missed off some other favourite films as well, like Christmas With the Kranks, The Grinch and Arthur Christmas. I might need to do some editing to capture my full Christmas wishlist!

  2. I love It's A Wonderful Life. Eleanor hates black and white films but I made her sit and watch that one. The National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation would have to be on my list, I've seen it so many times but I still laugh in all the same places. I haven't seen the first three films you mention, I never fancied Scrooge but now that I've seen Eleanor's youth theatre perfom it, I'd quite like to see it, as you say, there's some wonderful rollicking songs in it.

    1. It's really funny how you can tell what era the films were made in; Scrooge just looks so 70's with the hairdo and the end credits. Black and white films were on BBC2 on a Saturday afternoon all the time in my youth, so watching a film in B&W or colour didn't make much difference, but most Sky movies are only ever colour so my children have watched very few monotone movies; It's a Wonderful Life is one that I made them watch!

  3. Ooh, so many similar favourites.....had TOTALLY forgotten about The Holiday....I love it too!!!! I'm watching Love Actually tonight and will be watching The Holiday tomorrow....thank you xxx

    1. I haven't watched Love Actually yet this year; I'm off school sick tomorrow so it could be my best chance! Enjoy the Holiday; I watched it at the cinema with a glass of red wine and a small box of chocolates smuggled into the show. Bliss.

  4. Great choices!!! I love The Holiday and Love Actually too! xx


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