Blogmas 24; Christmas Eve

I'm guessing my Christmas Eve this year is pretty much like anybody else's if you've got Christmas dinner to cook the next day. I want as little as possible to do on Christmas Day so I plan.. plan and plan a bit more. My list this year ran;

11am make stollen dough (Paul Hollywood's recipe) and leave to rise.

11.30 make biscotti. Chocolate orange and cherry in the sort of style of the Hairy Bikers' Chocolate Orange and cranberry.

Noon Stollen stage 2; incorporate marzipan and swirl into shape. Leave to prove.
1pm bake the stollen. Watch the daughter decorate her Christmas cake with buttercream icing and wonder how she can get quite so green in 5 minutes.

2pm make the chocolate mousse cake. Put the pork on to roast.
3pm prep the veg; brussels sprouts, carrot sticks, carrot and swede mash chunks, broccoli cauliflower cheese cooked ready to baking stage, parsnips, sausage and stuffing balls wrapped in bacon.

4 or 5pm prep the turkey and begin to roast it.
6pm cook the potatoes and veg for today's tea.

 9pm make and chill the chocolate mousse for the mousse cake.
9.15pm Wrap all the goodies up and store them safe ready for the morning.

10.30pm go to Church. The choir will be singing one last time, and I'm a sucker for late night services. A touch of frost and chill in the air would be welcome, but I'll settle for dry and slightly colder than yesterday.
12pm+ slice and chill turkey. Eat the bacon that you put onto the turkey to moisten and prevent too rapid browning. Try to keep it all for oneself and fail dismally. You know they'll all want a piece.
1pm wait for Santa to call. What has he brought me today?

This is going to be my last Blogmas post. I won't have time tomorrow to get to the computer, so I'd just like to say I have really enjoyed the discipline of trying to write something everyday. I don't think I'll be able to keep it up, but I might well set myself a more regular pattern of posting. And I will definitely still be visiting the other sites I've found. Thank you very much to Sandra for thinking of the idea; it's been a pleasure to participate.


  1. That was one veg heavy Christmas eve, glad to see there was a bit of chocolate in there too!
    Lisa x


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