Blogmas 4; What is my favourite Christmas music?

Is there a more perfect start to the celebration of Christmas itself than this?

A lot of people I know swear that their Christmas doesn't start until they sit down to watch or listen to this song. I'm a lot like that, but Christmas music goes on my playlist from the start of November and I love to listen to it as I drive to and fro in my busy life.

Tucked away either digitally or as proper CD's this year I have;

  • Christmas in the Heart by Bob Dylan. It so should not work and in a strange way it so does. I love his version of O Come All Ye Faithful. He gravels his way through it with all the style of a slightly drinken bum who has stumbled into the Midnight service after the pub has closed. I like it! It reminds me of my youthful Christmas Eve's spent in a church just across from said pub.
  • Joy To The World by Pink Martini. Very chic and totally cosmopolitan, with covers of carols and songs from Hawaii to the Ukraine. The group sing a capella or accompanied, I think, and bring a twist to old favourites.
  • A Christmas Cornucopia by Annie Lennox.Classic Christmas carols from a classy lady. I particularly love the old-fashioned (by which I mean early 19th century rather than mid 20th) sound of God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen and the beautifully slow Lullay Lullay (Coventry Carol) although I am rather envious of being able to sing beautifully in French as well.
  • Christmas by Michael Buble. Cool, rather classy and beautifully mid 20th crooning from a class act. It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas? Yip, sure is.
  • Christmas Cheers by Straight No Chaser. Acapella versions of many favourites; particularly loved in my house are the Mission Impossible We Three Kings and the 12 days of Christmas which ends with the words sung to Africa by Toto. It so shouldn't work, and yet it does.
And finally a top song in our house;
Wishing you all a happy and music filled holiday season!


  1. It has to be December before I start listening to Christmas songs but I do love the hear them playing in all the shops while I'm doing my shopping, it really gets me in the Christmas spirit.

    1. I love hearing different Christmas songs in the shops; Borders used to be great at playing a few different artists. I don't like hearing The Next New Number 1 Christmas Album (again) again and again and again!!!

  2. I like the straight no chaser group, so good.
    My new favourite is the Puppini Sisters. I bought my mum that AL one the other year and she loves it too.
    Lisa x

    1. I haven't got the Puppini Sisters (yet) but I love their ordinary music. Perhaps Santa should leave it as a pre-Christmas bonus for a hard working elf?

  3. A really interesting selection - I've not heard Dylan's versions - must check it out. You start quite early don't you? I wait until I've broken up from school before I really get into the music. Judy.

    1. Like I say, the combination of Dylan and Christmas shouldn't work but does. He can occasionally sound like he's completely drunk when singing, but that adds to the atmosphere, somehow.

  4. I always watch the carols from Kings on Christmas eve or listen to it on the radio if I am in the kitchen working, it really makes a great start to Christmas, but I do listen to lots of things before then, and you have some great suggestions here! xx

    1. Thanks. It's long years of collecting and listening. That's why the music has to start in November!

  5. I love Annie Lennox's album but then I have always been a fan of hers. I'm going to check out the Bob Dylan recommendation too as I love him as well ... he is such an amazing songwriter and storyteller.
    Thanks for your comment on my blog and i'm glad I found my way to yours ...
    M x (Vintage Jane)

  6. Oh, so many great recommendations. Thanks! [The Morecambe and Wise one made me cry, cry, cry, thinking of my Gran and Grandad]

    1. That's the power of music; that a simple (and happy) song can make you cry with happy memories. Love it. And I'm glad one of my choices touched you, friend.

  7. Absolutely love the Morecambe and Wise song, so beautiful. You have such great selections :)

    1. Thank you. Morecambe and Wise are required watching in our house, as DP loves them so much. And I must have watched them in one form or another every year since I was old enough to chuckle at the first joke I got but I still laugh out loud at all the sketches. And we use their lines sometimes; "He's not going to sell much ice cream going at that speed" is regularly shouted out when a police siren blasts past.


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