Blogmas 16; My Christmas Tree Reveal... at last!

Finally... finally the chance to take photos has arisen; the weather is fine enough, I'm home (two weeks off school; I love Christmas break!) and the living room is tidy enough to risk taking some photos.  At last... only five days late.... here is my Christmas Tree reveal!!!

 A lot of my decorations come from the St Nicolas Tree decoration company. Their website is here, but they only sell to trade so to buy as an individual person you need to look at The Christmas Company website, where they have a full range of decorations that cover history, important places and special occasions. We bought a couple (don't ask me which ones came first!) and just found them so easy to buy one or two at places we visited on holiday. For a few years I could just about remember which we bought and where but now I just find it easier to write on the back.

You can see below we get decorations from everywhere we go... the Paris bauble actually came from Chartres! And the cones came from Ikea. 

In the shot above you can just see a reindeer with a name and a date. Every year I buy a decoration each for the 10 cousins (my 3 and 7 others) and put the name and year on. It's a tradition. At a party recently the cousins had a debate about who would do the same for THEIR children, They decided it would just be much easier if I kept the job up. Hopefully I'll be good for quite a few years.

And finally.... you'd like to see the whole tree, yes?

 That's my chair sat right next to the tree. It gets very overshadowed by the tree, but that's cool.

 And the last shot is my view of the tree and TV; this is my Christmas favourite place. A cup of chai, a lebekuchen from Aldi and a good view out over my beautifully satisfactory homemade Christmas.


  1. How pretty it all looks and you've got a very cosy spot there too!
    Lisa x


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