That's ripple as in wavy.

Folks may remember me saying I had started a ripple blanket after the fiasco that was my granny square blanket, when I told DH to tuck off. That is too small, still too small, but I use it in my den as a snuggle cover on cold days, so it can stay too small til I get the willpower/time to undo the naff edging and do several circuits of treble crochet to make it big enough. So, never, then.

Anyhows, I began a ripple blanket back in March and set to to finish it for this winter.

Those of you who have ever made a ripple blanket will know that the first few rows are fine. It's still small and portable, it still fits in an average-sized shopping bag and it still goes where you go. However, when you're making a king-sized blanket, ( especially when it has to have a decent tuck on pain of death) it soon grows..... and grows..... and grows.

And any one can tell you that sitting under what rapidly becomes a heavy and unwieldy pile of wool is not anybody's idea of a good time in summer (and, yes, I know our summer here in Britain was slim to non-existent, but it was still too hot to sit under a blanket) so rippling along on holiday was .... well, beyond the call of duty, I think.

So my poor blanket sat, unloved and untouched for most of the summer. Until September days dawned with a slight nip in the air, and one chilly night (fuelled by a slight cold) when I shivered under my duvet and thought "I need a decent blanket."

Here it is so far. It is about half done, I think, which includes a decent tuck on either side and at the base. I think I have about another 100 rows to go. I used a random stripe generator from Kiss your shadow which I adapted, so that some colours are straight 2 rows and others (those I had more of) have 4 or 6 rows. I like the effect better than a pure 2 row pattern. I figure at about 4 rows a night, it will take me 25 days to finish. Less, if like today I have a child throwing a sickie and keeping me company under the end, more if I have to keep taking nights off to entertain the DH. I still have a pretty full basket of yarn to work through, I'm hoping I have enough, other wise the ends will have to be done in plain white/cream. I like the colour combination, it suits my blue walls and pine furniture, and it has a very cheerful effect. Can't wait to see it finished.

Wish me luck, keep me motivated and I hope that this time I will be able to keep my tootsies warm with a decent tuck. (Although, I have to say, these fleece cosy toes slippers from Brantano are doing a good job at the moment. Not to wear outside, unfortunately, but in the house they are so fleecy & cuddley... just like me!)


  1. It looks Gorgeous (intentional capital letter there)- what fab colours!

  2. Oh wow, that really is very very pretty. I made a cot bed blanket once and that nearly killed me so I can't imagine doing a king sized one!

  3. Oooooh, your blanket is gorgeous. I love the colours you've chosen. I've just finished my granny square blanket, it's nowhere near as big as I'd first planned, but I'm so pee'd off with the bloody thing that I nearly binned it.

  4. I love your ripple blanket,it looks fab, gorgeous colours. I've not got very far with my Granny squares, I'm thinking maybe I should be doing a ripple blanket instead...which do you prefer making? The ripple looks and sounds easier!

  5. Nice oh very nice Lovely colours too

  6. Stick with it! You CAN do it!!

    I love my blankie well worth it. Plenty of tuck either side and loads of snuggling room!

  7. my first attempt at a ripple blanket has turned in to a scarf - like you i have been unable to ripple in the summer weeks but have just started ripple #2...
    after the first fiasco i don't think i will mention this one on my blog.
    i am not a natural rippler.....
    tracy x

  8. Hope you are feeling better lady!!! The Blanket is looking great!

  9. I've never learned how to do that. My mother and sister have made blanket upon blanket. Me? I once made a really, really long straight line of stitches. Could never figure out how to make it go into a blanket. Hey - I have other, I know I can do SOMETHING well. I just haven't discovered WHAT just yet. lol Love how your blanket is turning out, though. Very pretty!!

  10. ooh that's impressive! I taught myself to crochet this year and love it but find it difficult to sit long enough to do more than a couple of rows at a time on the blanket I'm doing so it is going much slower than yours lol

  11. Oh, it's just beautiful. I love the colors and I love the pic with you feet in it!


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