Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness.....

I love fiddling around the house, puttering and doing pretty things. If only they stayed pretty! However, I try ;)

I like making something in my living room seasonal. During the holidays, this is usually the mantlepiece, with shells and stones gathered from walks on the beach and certificates from school to show the end of another school year and the progress made.

At this time of year I fall back upon Keats as my inspiration. I love the fruitfulness of Autumn and, even before children, could never resist the lure of a freshly shelled chestnut (where else in nature can one find such glossy copper-beech-brown?) or a pinecone placed where I can watch the tightly held sections opening out as it dries up inside. I like to change the colour of the flowers I buy from pink or white to yellow or orange, whether Chrysanthemums or Gerberas. I look longingly at the sunflowers in the shops now, too, but since you pay per bloom, they tend to get left behind. One day I will buy a bunch of five and five perfectly matched vases to display them in. One day.

But my favourite Autumn display is a bowl of apples, preferably rosy-tinged and russet apples. I place them on this wooden bowl that came from Oxfam, pile them high and let them sit there. My second son is a fruit fiend and we tend not to allow sweets during the week, so the display never lasts long but while it is here, it really makes me feel that it is Autumn, the start of a new school year and the lead in to another Christmas season when, of course, my seasonal decorating goes overdrive and no corner is left uncovered. Perhaps Autumn is the lull before the storm, perhaps it's my space after the chaos of summer. It is a beautiful time of year, and I love it.


  1. The woodcutter has brought some pumpkins into the house that the children grew ready for my autumn house display ! The children have also collected bags of conkers for me. I love this time of year !!!!!


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