Lightening never strikes twice in the same place....

Ha! Doesn't it? You try telling that to DP

Who has broken his arm in the same way and same part as the Princess, meaning he has to have a plaster for 5 weeks and, since he only has a back slab plaster for a week, he needs to have a whole week off school with me!

Literacy (we went to Borders and treated him to a book), mathematics (we got on the lego website and compiled a wishlist, then added up the amount. Cripes!), and history (he showed me the websites he has been browsing at school. Add to that engendering a love of the classics (we watched part one of The Two Towers) and we have had a good day without really feeling like work. I have told him that next week it is Times Tables. He'll be glad to get back after that. (and I will miss him!)

So, it's a good job I didn't do anything with the plastic cover that I invested in for the Princess. Best £7 I spent this year.

And, before anybody asks, I have already told JW (No. 2 son) that he is banned from going anywhere or doing anything in November. You're going to tell me, these things come in threes!


  1. Oh NO! He looks pretty cheerful with it though - poor little lad. I guess the Princess is all better now?

  2. Never mind poor Princess and Bro, poor you!!! How terrible!! My Mum has always claimed that major accidents were always harder on her than us.

  3. Your boy looks very proud of his war wound! It's bad enough when they get a heavy cold - touch wood, we haven't had to deal with broken bones yet. Fancy having two of them do it! I think you need to wrap JW in bubble wrap before sending him out. Times tables are brilliant for weaning them off the desire to stay home :-)

  4. Noooooooooooo! Although I have to say, he looks pretty chirpy about the whole business!

  5. Green Cheese comes to mind.

    Our Grandson spent the whole summer holidays with stookie (plaster cast) on his arm after falling off a swing on the first day of holiday.

  6. oh bless him!!!! I can't believe how much he looks like you!!!!!!

  7. Oh no! He looks pretty proud of his war wound though!

  8. Oh No!!
    He looks pretty cheerful at the prospect of time off school :)

  9. What a face! Why are kids always so happy with their "war wounds" once they have a cast or a scar to show for them? lol When my youngest broke his wrist a year and a half ago, he was pleased as could be...once the pain subsided, of course, and they put that awesome green cast on his arm.
    I think my oldest was the only one of my kids who never needed a cast...he did run into a tree once and broke his nose, but he didn't get a cast for his troubles...just black eyes and a sore nose. lol

  10. I hope he will get well soon.

  11. Hehe bless him he looks so chuffed with himself!

  12. Poor old chap, hope he is quickly on the mend.

  13. Oh These things come in 3s!!! Just be careful its not you!! We have never had arms in plaster but all 3 have had legs in plaster you should ask Sarah about her experience! She will make you laugh.Hope it gets better soon

  14. Hey - how's it going? You haven't posted in awhile and I just wanted to stop by and say hey! Hope all is well.


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