Wednesday Wind Up

What am I reading this week?
Everything and nothing. I finished my fiction book and then didn't settle down to a new book because last week was all busy and party and oh my God my head is on the pillow and all I want to do is sleep......
And then on Thursday my nose itched and by Friday my eyes were sore and by Saturday I was sneezing and shivering and I am still in the sneezing and shivering stage and it is not nice. Not*At*All*
So from the weekend I have NOT read anything harder than a cereal package. Except perhaps the toilet roll package. I haven't wanted to.
But I still need a story, and especially a cuddly marshmallow story, so this is where Audible comes in. I love having a story read to me, and this weekend I went looking for something to make me feel cosy. When the nose runs, the life must be cosy.
I went back to teenage years. I'd forgotten quite how much I could enjoy Georgette Heyer, and when I saw Devil's Cub available I fell for it straight away. I read this years ago, when I was studying for my O Levels (that long ago) and loved it, it's a straightforward Regency Romance, when the daredevil cad, Lord Vidal decides to run away with a good for nothing sister, Sophia, only to find that her more strait-laced sister Mary has tried to foil the attempt by taking Sophia's place and he (the cad) decides one sister is very like another and why doesn't he take her to France instead..... Of curse, Mary doesn't deserve that and the story romps along in a Heyeresque (and I really hope that IS a word, even though my computer is denying it!) way until there is (major spoiler here) a Happy Ending with he (the cad) becoming a reformed rake deeply in love with Mary who is not a wet lettuce but a deeply sensible and sensitive Heroine who knows how to handle a spoilt child, which is essentially what Lord Vidal is. With endless Chai tea and a warm blanket around my legs it kept me happy all day Sunday.

What have I watched this week?
Well, there was University Challenge, several episodes of Pointless and a few episodes of the Chase.... although if you're talking coherent TV with a storyline and the need to remember anything from chapter to chapter then the thing we actually watched last week was;

 We don't usually do soaps, but somehow I wanted to watch the live week with who killed Lucy Beale being answered (or not) on Thursday. It was fun, and really well done, considering live TV drama is a no-no usually.
And then I've been keen to catch this advert. I really want to watch this when it's on, partly because I was too young for the first time, and mostly because he looks fit.

Where have I been this week?
Work. Again. And nowhere else. No trips since Black Sheep Wools. I have been to Regency London and presently Georgian Paris (pre-revolution, I think) but only in my heart.

How has my spending gone this week?
Good. I haven't been anywhere to spend anything, except for a box of Reese's Pieces which was a post cold treat. I've even rather sensibly put some cash into the bank instead of spending it. No spend Lent is going Okay.

What are my WIPs this week?
I am loving my shrug; I am over half way across the back. But it has sat, unloved, this weekend while I sneeze and shiver. the most I've done is a few more rows on the circus blanket. Mindless, repetitive hooking of the best kind. I  pick it up if I'm feeling strong and drop it again when I'm tired.

Any Other Business?


  1. Hope you're feeling better soon. I've currently got a bad case of conjunctivitis and I've got up this morning and I've managed to somehow pull something in my back, I think I'm dropping apart. Not sure about Poldark, not sure it's my thing. I remember it being on when I was a child but I was too young for it back then too.

    1. I'm fond of historical drama, and I love a bit of bodice ripping storyline so Poldark is right up my street. added to that it's just a blooming good excuse to keep doing a cod Cornish accent!!

  2. Hope your feeling better soon, feeling grotty really puts you back a week or two! No Poldark for me or EastEnders either for that matter. But well done on the putting cash away bit, Very impressive x

    1. Long may it continue! As long as I keep away from Amazon and keep the daughter away from Boots I should be okay!

  3. You're right about that bloke in Poldark - he does look fit! Hope you're feeling better soon x

    1. Aidan Turner. He was in Being Human and the Pre-Raphelites as well!

  4. Oh dear this does sound like one heck of a cold. I hope you are feeling much better very soon. Hopefully Mr Poldark's imminent arrival is cheering you!
    My aunt gave her son the middle name Ross after her love of this character.
    Lisa x

    1. Cool! If you're going to be named, a favourite character from Poldark is always a good start.... although Dimelza doesn't go as well for a girl!

  5. I am an Audible subscriber, almost all the literature I enjoy is audio. I always loved being read to and have tried to convince my husband to read to me. He is reluctant. Hope you are feeling better today. x

    1. I sleep to the sound of whatever book I'm listening to, so some of my audible books are never quite heard in order! But I love a good story that helps me get the kitchen clean!

  6. Well, Poldark looks as though it could be good! Must investigate to see when it is on... I do hope that you are feeling much better soon, I have had another cold too, so I commiserate with you! xx

    1. Thank you. This cold has done the rounds of the family! Everybody has had it, and it's horrible!

  7. You can't go wrong with Georgette Heyer! I hope that you are starting to feel better. Jx

    1. It's Thursday today and yes, thank you, I am feeling better. Still listening to Devil's Cub, though. I keep falling asleep!

  8. Ooh Poldark looks good, I was too young the last time it was on too. Hope you're feeling better now x


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