A Kiebster! A Niebster! No! I got a Liebster!!!!!

Thank you to Jo of Through the Keyhole who has nominated me for a Liebster award!!! 
I'm usually useless at doing these, but I'll do my best. I can't think of 11 unrelated facts, but I will answer the questions;

1) If your house was on fire, what one thing, other than family members and pets, would you save?
Only one thing? My teddy bear, Tobias. I've had him since I was 4 and he has been my constant companion since.

2) What, other than your children, is your greatest achievement?
Oh my, we do have to think. They ARE my greatest achievement; aside from them, I think finding contentment right where I am is my greatest achievement. I am happy with where I am, happy with what I am doing at the moment and happy with what ever life throws at me next.

3) What would be your dream job and is it a job you do or have done?
A job that is never boring, that gives me contact with people and computers, that pays well and has good holidays. I've come pretty close to perfect jobs, but there isn't a dream situation anywhere, because all jobs are flawed in one way or another.

Copenhagen 8

4) What is your dream holiday destination?
Copenhagen. Although my dream is to live there for an extended period rather than just visit for a couple of weeks. I'd love to visit most scandinavian countries, and St Petersburg as well.

5) If you won the lottery, what would be the first thing you bought?
This will sound so consumerist. A mini cooper 5 door SD. In blue with a white roof and go faster stripes. Or red with a black roof.

6) Name your top three films of all time.
Guardians of the Galaxy
The Princess Bride
It's a Wonderful Life
The Muppets' Christmas Carol
I apologise; I couldn't get it down to just three.

7) If you could have a conversation with a famous person, dead or alive, who would it be?
Will Shakespeare. I'd have to ask if he really wrote the plays, was he an alien and did his ruff hide a very sore neck.
And then I'd ask how a glovemaker's son from the West Midlands got to be the most famous writer in British history.

8) What is your earliest childhood memory?
I can't remember. Possibly my younger brother breaking my doll's bed.

9) What is your favourite season and why?
Is Christmas a season on its own? Otherwise, Autumn when the nights draw in and the candles are lit, and we come together to talk and craft.

10) What made you decide to start a blog?
I liked reading them and I thought, "Well, I could do that." I started in 2007, and for a while tried to be like the others I was reading then. all bunches of flowers, sweet thoughts and intense shopping. I'm not. My life is just plain ordinary, nowhere really good looking or lived in a crafty way, just what you see is what you get. 

11) What would you like the future to hold for you?
I'd like to be happy. I'd like Peter Kneale Solicitor to be a success, but whatever we are doing, I'd like everyone to be well above all. As the Count says in Princess Bride, "If you haven't got your health, well, you haven't got anything."

I haven't got anybody to pass the award on to; at least, I'd like to nominate a host of blogs I love and enjoy but I know some of them have had the award recently and may not want to do another one so soon, and there is no pressure on anybody who hasn't had the award but doesn't want to. Does that make sense?
So my awards to blogs I love go to;
Amy at Love Made My Home
Lisa at Jumble and Jelly
Winwick Mum
Alison at Life At Sylvan House
Helen at I Will Bloom
Gillian at Hookin a Yarn
Redsetter at Gone Beading
Joanne at A Whole Plot of Love who is having a bad day today, bless her.
Amanda at Eight by Six
And if you're not nominated but fancy answering the questions, let me know!


  1. Thank you for accepting the award and playing along, I enjoyed reading the answers to the questions.

  2. Great answers. What a zippy little car - you could have some fun adventures with it!

    1. It's my dream car at the moment; when I win the lottery or when business is booming I will get one!

  3. Thanks Jo! You've given great answers to some tricky questions! I haven't posted my answers yet, but I'm working on it.

  4. Great answers! I like that your blog is like you and is just you how you are. Your idea for a car sounds fantastic - if you win the lottery and get one can we all come for a spin with you! Thank you for the nomination, Jo already nominated me so I won't take part, but I am thankful to you for thinking of me. Hope you are having a good weekend! xx

  5. Thanks for the nomination! I'm still working on my answers - it's harder than I thought it would be! xx

  6. Fantastic answers! I have to agree with you on the Mini Cooper if I won the lottery .... Love those cars.
    Marianne x


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