Fave Inspirational Quote; Fab-ruary 1

Oh, quotes, how do I love thee? Let me count the ways!

I love how a good quote sometimes just catches the thing you need to articulate, in a way you would never articulate it.

I love how the right quote at the right time is like meeting your mother or your best friend (whoever your best advice giver is) just at the right time when you need a light shining on what to do/think/say next.

I love how a good quote and a good picture work together to inspire and reach you in a way that either alone would not do.

I love how a good quote is a link to a past we have never known and a link to a future we may never meet.

I love how a quote may be an excellent quote even if it comes from a comic book, a film or the back of a toilet roll packet.

And I love that a quote may come from the eldest or the youngest and be equally valid.

And, yes, I know I'm cheating; that I haven't picked just one quote, but so many mean something, and so many are valid at different times and so many are necessary to keep me feeling that how I am, now, is how I am supposed to be, now, but not necessarily how I will be tomorrow, and that the change needed to make me a better person is mine to make or not make as I choose.


  1. Absolutely loved your post, Jo....I'm a quote lover and a quote collector and a quote 'user' in all the ways you describe for all the reasons you describe.

    1. At different times I have had different quotes up on my mirror to keep me going through the day. And when my words fail me, sometimes only somebody else can say what I need to say.

  2. Wonderful quotes. I agree that it's hard to pin down one favourite for the reasons you state.

    1. My favourite book aged 13 was the Penguin Book of Quotations. Loved it then. Still love it now.

  3. Brilliant! I loved this post. I loved your wise words in amongst the pictures, and together they all work perfectly. I always like seeing how people put quotes together with pictures as sometimes it gives a whole new meaning to the words. A fab start to Fab-ruary, looking forward to tomorow's post! xx

    1. Thank you! It's one of my favourite parts of Facebook, when somebody posts a pictorially illustrated quote. I never can resist saving it and using it as wallpaper or lock screen on the phone.

  4. I loved the one by Mary Anne Radmacher about courage...and the Ferris Bueller one!!

    1. I was surprised I went with Ferris Bueller... usually I'm heard quoting from Princess Bride or Guardians of the Galaxy!

  5. I couldn't choose just one quote, as you say, different quotes are appropriate depending on the situation.

  6. Well, I picked one - you took the original road!! Love that you chose so many and lead us through your post with such impelling words! Several of these quotes are some I also reach out to: the Helen Keller; anything Dr. Seuss at the appropriate time! Albert Einstein, for sure; and of course, it's always fun to find those special quotes in a movie or a book!

    Thanks for sharing! Excited to read everybody's "Fab" this month!

  7. I absolutely love quotes too! And I really enjoyed this post - thank you. My favourite is the Albert Einstein quote.
    Marianne x

  8. No need to limit yourself to just one quote when there are so many great inspirations! xx

  9. It's impossible to choose isn't it, you are right, it depends on what life is doing at the time. Each year I transfer 'The happiest people don't have the best of everything, they make the best of everything they have' to the front page of my diary. I like that one a lot.
    Lisa x

  10. Great post - loved reading all the quotes. Reminded me that as a student, I had a book which I wrote quotes into which touched me in some way. I found the book when we were moving last year, and it made me laugh to see I had quotes from one end of the spectrum to the other - Eastenders featured, as well as Freud!


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