Things I'm excited about; Fab-ruary 3

Posts like this are fun. I like a lot of stuff. I like movies, I like reading, I like travelling, I like cooking and crafting and keeping my house badly.

But what gets me excited?

Peter Kneale Solicitor does. Having a husband who has been brave enough to set up on his own in a very cut throat business and is enjoying it, and being able to think about a career change before I'm 50 to work with him is exciting. Very. And terrifying as well. I've always been a teacher, and now I'm beginning to think about finding another path. It's like having a second chance and looking at an alternate universe, the one where I didn't go teaching but set off to study law instead (other options were physiotherapy or being an astronaut) and end up working as a personal injury lawyer. That's a lot less physically demanding than teaching, and not one I need to think of leaving when my knees give up.

And I can't wait to be his partner in business as well as life. Handsome hunk (to me) I love you x


  1. Good for you. I think it's never too late to learn something new. It's good for the mind, keeps you ticking over. I took on a Masters degree a few years ago and graduated last year - and in my forties, I was one of the youngest in my tutor group! xx

    1. I keep toying with the idea of doing a further degree.... but I need to get a better paid job (paralegal) to be able to afford the fees!
      What did you do a masters in?

    2. It's in Classical Studies. It's something I've wanted to do for a long time and the time was right for me to get on and do it. My dissertation was on the Romans in Warrington (Wilderspool) which I loved doing, and I even went into small daughter's school last year to talk about it - as you can imagine, their favourite picture was the one of Aphrodite's bottom which is all that's left of a small statue! xx

  2. Sounds exciting, it's good to have something to look forward too!

  3. Love your post! Brave man! Brave woman to consider changing careers....this is such an inspiring post! [I can see why you're doing the Leonie Dawson planner now - unsure if 'doing' is the right word, but it feels right?!]....wishing you all the best in your endeavours (I'm always so happy to read other people's stories about entrepreneurship)

    1. Thank you! At the best of times, it is a smooth running operation that inspires and fires us... at the worst moments (around September last year) it was, like, will we keep the house? The car? Our sanity?

  4. I hope that you both have a wonderful future working together! xx

  5. A brave move indeed, but if anyone can make it work it'll be you with your drive and determination.
    Good luck all round.
    Lisa x

  6. Excellent. I hope it all works out. Hope your knees don't give up for many years to come. I think my right knee has finally given up!


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