Film On Friday On Saturday; Snakes on a Plane. Yes, really.

OK. I've lost some of you here. This does not sit well alongside my classic black and white weepies, or my extensive collection of child friendly movies, but, well, there is a weird explanation as to why I have only watched Snakes on a Plane this week and therefore why it has to be my Film on Friday on Saturday.

You see Number 1 Son and Number 1 Daughter are both away in separate directions this week end. So Number 2 son is the only child at home, and last night we sat down to fish and chips and to watch a movie altogether on the understanding that we would pick something he had never watched and that wouldn't be watchable by whole family (ie something grown up)

Now I had heard of Snakes on a Plane, and even heard the review on Five Live with Mark Kermode but that was years ago... yonks plus ages... and I couldn't remember quite how bad or good it had been marked. And Number 2 son had heard of it as well, or at least the most famous quote from it and he wanted to watch it and so we..... well, we watched it. And we squirmed at the gruesome bits and laughed at the "Oh My Word, I can't believe they tried that!!!" bits and hid behind cushions and kept a body count (31, not including the dog and the cat. Oh, yes, the dog got taken out.)
It's not an eternal classic. And having watched it once I do not feel the need to watch it again, but I have watched it once now. And screamed at the right places. (And it is NOT A KID FRIENDLY MOVIE)

What did you say? What's the storyline? Well, it's called Snakes on a Plane. You go figure it out.


  1. I've always wanted to see this movie, especially after I heard a song about it. The song was hilarious and I wish I could find it again, but I remember that one of the lines was "This can't be a movie, it's just too stupid...Snakes on a plaaaaane!" Then there were sound clips of Samuel L Jackson saying the F word in the background. Musical masterpiece, I tell you. :)

    1. The song was called Snakes on a Plane by Cobra Starship, I think. It appears at the end credits, and Samuel Jackson appears in the video himself. The man has a real sense of humour! It was a funny film in places, but just gory in others.

  2. It was an experience! I don't think it's one I'll be watching anytime soon but I hope your son enjoyed it.
    And yes the Christmas shopping has begun.
    Lisa x

    1. :)
      I knew it would have!!
      Cracking, I can start mine as well then!

  3. I don't think it's one I fancy, but I'm glad you found a film you could watch together.

    1. It's not one we'd have chosen, at all. It was more by accident than design. But it was so bad as to be funny.


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