A Postcard from Your Ideal Life; Fab-ruary 2

My ideal life is here. My ideal life is now. Is there anything I'd change? Well, I'd probably hope that in a few years time Peter Kneale Solicitor will be a successful family business, with enough coming in to employ me as a paralegal,  that the kids will have finished their exams and be happily at University or college studying their best loved subjects. But that's the future. Right here, right now..... my life is my ideal. Home, family, creating. Thank God.


  1. Replies
    1. Amen! Life IS Good... that's what the lock page of my phone says!

  2. Life is good, life is family, walking the dog, crochet, cosy SUnday afternoons in front of the tv. I love being at home and doing all of these things x

    1. Mmm. When I die I want to look back and say, "I loved all those cups of tea I had with all the people I loved." (blogmates included)

  3. Good for you, be thankful for what you have and always hope for growth.

  4. I am glad that you have your ideal life now and ambitions for a different kind of ideal life in the future. That sounds like a pretty good combination to me! xx

    1. If I didn't appreciate what I have now, would I truly appreciate what I get in the future?


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