What? Another Ta Dah! Already?

Sometimes creativity just flows around a person. I think what happens is the more you do it and actually have a completed object (whatever that is; a mug, a bag or a painted gate) then the more you crave that good finished feeling. The mental pen-tossing feeling of "Yes!!! Done that and it.is.gooooood!!!!" And you browse blogs and think I can do that!! Sometimes you don't move fast on a thought, sometimes the thought and the action happen at the same time. And sometimes you get two weeks off work and find that the choice is mossin* or housework. With a sore knee, I chose mossin a lot this holiday. Morrisons have a lot going for them. We (the Princess and me) went there one morning for some plants and actually pies for lunch and ended enchanted by these little kits. Ā£3 each, only. Bargain! The paint that came with them was.... OK, but not inspirational. Fortunately I have a large collection of acrylic so it came out and away we went. I also had a small house...