Happy May Day!

So, this is the beginning of summer according to one source. As I sit here listening to Jeff Wayne's War of the Worlds at full pelt from the other room (DP has recently got ever-so into this) I can believe it. Hasn't it been glorious? And I, in a burst of luck, have not been in work. Feast or famine; supply is not a certain source of income and I need something better. I'll work on that. But in the meantime;

I have painted my bench and little picnic table. The garden has been weeded and the plants watered so that I can, this evening, take a cool beer out and enjoy the sunset through my trees. (must remember to take my hayfever tablets) I have got white geraniums to pot up and put at my front door and a red poppy, birthday gift from my Mum whom I dragged out to the garden centres today. I had a shopping trip yesterday and came back proud recipient of floral tins, wooden pegs (none better!) big shopping bags that will stop me using more plastic than I have to and a net canopy for the princess. Whoo! So much stuff on one little trip, but mostly from Home Bargain, so nothing cost more than £3!

These lovely early summer days make me happy. I begin to throw off the cold of winter and to look ahead to long, hot days spent in the garden, tip-toeing over warm pathing stones to tickle my toes on the too-hard grass. I can anticipate these days, even as I realise that the grass is still too cold (just) to lie on for more than an hour, that the warm days are followed by nights just too cold to set my bedding plants. That is a pleasure I save for my birthday, three weeks hence. For now, I stroke the plants in the garden centre and dream of owning a green house, a big one to walk inside and water. I buy my plastic jug for the summer ahead, and sip cool juice from coloured plastic glasses. I know that in two months time the sun will heat up the juice to warm unless I put in ice cubes, but that now the glasses keep their cool edge.
May as a month for me is all about anticipation; for the summer's heat, for holidays still to come, for my birthday & those of my family in June, for the heat that will drive me inside in the middle of the day and make me still. May is a month of doing, a busy month spent preparing for the high summer, the langurous heat and the months of pure being. Bliss.

You may have noticed, I managed to mention my birthday three times in that blogpost. I'm famous for that. I used to drop hints as subtle as bricks at home, a build up to my birthday that must have driven my brothers mad. I was the only summer birthday in the house, you see, so I could, if I worked hard make it last for two months. I'm not a lot different now. Eh bien, 39 and still the same. Except, I have learnt to share my birthday. So, in honour of my being ever so slightly more grown up than I used to be, I am holding a birthday competition. I am asking you to send me your thoughts on what I look like and what I'm really like. I haven't posted any pictures of myself, and I wondered what sort of person you all think I am. There are three prizes, one for the closest description of me in reality, one for the best description of me even if it bears no relation to what I'm actually like and one for the hell of it... that one will be a name pulled out of a hat. The prizes are still in discussion, but probably books, papers, thread or buttons. It'll be interesting to see what you think of me... or is it true that evesdroppers ne'er hear well? Looking forward to hearing from you!
PS.... I'll keep the contest open til Sunday 13th May & post results on the next Monday, so that parcels can be posted by 23rd... my birthday!
Post your answers before Monday 15th, I'll judge on the 16th and post everything asap after that.


  1. Great post Jo, I'd love to join you for that beer!
    You've been a busy person, the bench looks pretty and I like what you bought on your shopping trip. I've not heard of Home Bargain, do they have stores nationwide?

    Yes I like May, it's when I'm happy pottering about the house and getting jobs done, but in the heat of the summer I feel I should be out in the sunshine. My favourite season is Autumn, I love getting home and being cosy, drawing the curtains and shutting out the world!

    OK looks like I'm the first to describe you, you're brave, hope you're ready for this!

    I picture you as around 5'7", medium build, dark haired. Clothes style casual.
    As you're a Gemini I reckon you might share some of the attributes of my boss who is also Gemini.

    You're very sociable, talkative, lively,and can multi-task. Adventurous. You're changeable and fly from one task to another expecting everyone else to keep up!
    You have a thirst for knowledge and know a little about lots of subjects. Great sense of humour. Easily bored, need new challenges in your work to keep you performing to your best. Bit of a Jekyll and Hyde....? Scatty at times, you try to keep on top of everything but the housework gets the better of you sometimes :)

    How's that? If you're anything like my boss she's been such fun to work with, a mentor to me for many years, demanding,frustrating, but loyal and kind and would do anything for me.
    Can't wait to see what others have to say!!

  2. hmmm we have a profiler reading this blog !!! ;) as for me i'm not very good at guesses ! i would say you're around 1,60-1,65m, fair hair and pale carnation...the only thing i'm sure of is that you're a very nice & friendly person & were good at French in school !

    Since you're done with your Spring cleaning in the yard, you can now cross the Channel to come & help with mine : 3 acres - the 2/3 not being landscaped!!! -- and this includes a cast iron table & 4 chairs to sand & paint... fun fun !!!

    My BD is earlier than yours, so it means you can be back on time in UK for yours, and therefore have two BD parties to attend ! life's great, isn't it ?!

  3. Thank you for stopping by my blog! I am glad I visited yours, as I enjoy your blog very much! I see the dear, darling Victoria named us both on her blog (now THAT made me blush)! =)

    If I were to describe you from what I've read, I'd say perhaps you're a smiley sort of gal with shoulder length medium brownish hair, hmmmm, perhaps 5'4", not overly done on the cosmetics (just like me!)... you love to laugh, and you love surprises! =)

  4. That is a wonderful post! It captures so totally the way that it feels now. Cool yet sunny preperation for the sticky months ahead. I've been fondling in the garden centre. Oh er!

    How very brave to invite such speculation! I don't think I've ever put a pic of me on my blog either! I shall have to go and have a think. :-)

  5. Oh well.... that is a challenge I think I'm going to have to have a long think about this!!!! mmmmmm........

  6. Great post Jo!
    To me you are fun to be with, a wicked sense of humour, a loyal and true friend, about 5 foot nine inches tall, pretty, long curly hair and dark eyes. I'm not good a star signs so I'll give that a miss. A wife and mum who is happiest with her family round her.
    Could be totally wrong but that's how I see you:-)
    Alison x

  7. Jo, is it by any chance your birthday soon? just a hunch. I need to think about what you look like.

  8. I loved your blog. I am so glad that you found mine. I
    I think you will really enjoy your garden. I have been getting mine ready for summer as well.
    Have a wonderful day,

  9. Hi Jo,
    What a fab post, we've been having great weather too, isn't it just fab?
    Love the colour you've painted your bench, it's a bit like ours out the front.
    Love your competition, great fun, will have to have a think about it!
    L x

  10. Hi Jo, I imagine you to be chatty, fun and wear bright, casual clothes (a bit Boden maybe?). I don't know about the rest, but I'm saying medium brown shoulder length hair, and green eyes.

    It is really difficult to imagine what other bloggers look like, some people post photos of themselves all the time, so it feels as though we know them. I have never posted a photo of myself either, I shall wait until I have a tan!
    Victoria x

  11. The weather is just fantastic isn't it. Weeding the garden in a bikini is just the best way to get a tan !

    So what do you look like? Well firstly you have a brilliant sense of humor, and I love to read your commnets.

    I think you've got dark hair, probably no longer than just above your shoulder. I don't think your particulary tall, so therefore short. I also imagine a size clothes 12 to 14. Am I right ?

  12. Sorry what was that?
    Er I didn't quite hear you, when did you say your birthday was?
    May the what?
    You'll have to speak up.
    Oh the 23rd well why didn't you just say?

  13. It all looks so summery with you - lovely bench, gorgeous colour. Enjoy the weather, it's supposed to rain soon (for us at least!)... ;-)

  14. Why isn't there a Home Bargain near me - hurumphh!
    OK here goes (deep breath) you are medium height with brown hair just long enough to scrape back. You usually wear jeans with no make up. You are feminine and love your home but are not a slave to it. You love a good book and are quite romantic but not in a soppy way. I think you make a very good friend and have a wry sense of humour, perhaps a bit scatty sometimes but always good fun. Also a mum who prefers to spend time with her kids than be a desperate housewife.
    I do hope I haven't offended in any way.

  15. Hi Jo!
    Wow, that is a interesting pool. Humm... As I know you (blogwise) not too long ago, I would imagine you brunette, with a midle lenght hair and fair skin, and perhaps blue eyes... Can't go any further really. :) Maybe you might be laughing at my description of you. :)
    About the citizenship test, well, I tell you, they can be really though questions even to someone that have been born in UK. So, I will really have to study hard. :)

  16. Oh yes, that first description was only what I think you look like, to describe your any further I would have to take more time, but I thing you are the same as me, feminine but not a fashion slave, you love to have things tide up and wish you had more time to get all really organised.
    Any close??? ;)

  17. Here I go with my suggestion!!! Please don't take offence!!!! (none is mean't)

    I think that you are about 5 ft 4, with shoulder length curly dark brown hair, you have hazely bordering on green eyes. I think that as long as you are dressed appropriately for the day you don't think about it too much, you prefer people to see you rather than the apparrel so you choose classic things with the odd individual item here and there. I think you have to hold yourself back sometimes as not everyone can appreciate your very keen sense of humour and you'd never deliberately want to upset anyone. I think you have trouble keeping your mind on one subject for too long and you spend a lot of time trying to mop up all of your various thought processes because EVERYTHING interests you and gets you fired up. I think your family and friends realise how lucky they are and that they never know which Jo/Mum they are going to get. I also think that you must be a wonderful teacher, you are passionate about so much that I know you have taught me about this whole arena of blogging and made such an example to us all that we all want to do it better.

  18. Boy, are you ever brave! How to follow all of these profilers??? I always imagine everyone with brown hair and I've been wrong several times, so I'm going to guess that you are blond, blue eyed, medium build, and tall -- 5/7" or more??? Great sense of humor, love children, projects and you're very creative (that one was a freebie!) Can't wait to see what the real truth is!

  19. Blimey missus, that's a bit of a hard task! (By the way, I like your little jug cover/doily/thingy). Hmmmm I will have to have a ponder.

  20. Right missus, here goes nothin'. I think you are definitely of the brunette variety,with brown eyes. About 5'6"ish, medium build, but considers dieting at times. Definitely not a fashion victim! Not a slave to housework because you know there are more important things. Friendly, warm and inquisitive with a keen intellect and a romantic and caring nature. A thinker. Enjoys a soppy film or two. Loves to look into peoples homes from the bus/train and wonder what their lives are. Would be a good and loyal friend. Has strong beliefs of what is right and wrong in life. You love your family above all and are a talented soul who just loves to create (I guess those two were a given huh?). Okay, that's it m'dear (sorry about my mixed tenses). Oh, and did I mention a bit of the school marm about the girl! hee hee

  21. Oops, forgot to mention great sense of humour and witty repartee!


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