Noise, noise, noise

Sometimes noise can make or break a holiday. Staying in a busy city where the noise never stops is hell to some people, heaven to others. It's a subjective viewpoint. Family holidays rely on noise to entertain or excite children.
At Buckler's Hard there was a button to press which played 'Hearts of Oak' over and over and over again.... Children can't resist a button. And rope to make a bowline with.
The bowline held his weight. He was happy.
 Nature can be noisy too. Nothing more so than a gang of ducks (gaggle? No that's geese. Not herd? Group? Pancake? Or orangery?)
The ducks at The Vyne run free outside the house.
 But for real noise it has to be man made. And this was the loudest noise I heard all holiday. They didn't ask me to drive, though. Shame.
Don't ask me what car it is. It was loud L-O-U-D LOUD
 I did drive the go karts at Beaulieu, though. Only once, before deciding that I needed to have photos to capture the day. And they were noisy.
 Especially when you could hear the drivers laughing!

Photos can be misleading. This quiet shot of a girl and a statue was in the middle of a busy street, with noise all around. I loved the high street at Winchester. A lot.
The Elizabeth Frick sculpture in Winchester
 Sometimes you just need to take a break, even if the road is noisy. We eat many picnics by the roadside, mostly because a lot of the stuff we go to see is actually city bound. Finding oases of peace and calm can be hard, especially in an unknown city.
Eating our picnic on the street outside Portsmouth Harbour
 And when a museum is called Explosion! I think you have a right to expect some noise. Actually, it was one of the quietest museums we went to. I had to make up for it by buying snaps (50p for 100) and running outside to let them off.
A thing in Explosion.


  1. You certainly got around during your week.
    Winchester is just lovely.
    Lisa x

    1. Sarah loved it; there is a little beading shop where unsurprisingly I got to spend a lot of money and they have Costa and Starbucks opposite each other! My daughter is a cultural Philistine, but she appreciates a good row of shops!

  2. It looks like you've all been having lots of fun. I love having all the family around but the noise can get me down sometimes. I admit to loving a bit of peace and quiet. Those go karts look like so much fun.

    1. I am missing my time alone in the house, I have to say, but I am slightly deaf so noise isn't a big issue usually except when I'm concentrating. And good noise can be such good fun. The scream I gave out when the gokarts sped up was just so funny, even I wished I could have taped it!


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