Mini makers, Maxi inspiration

Oh I had such good fun today! 

 Manchester Museum of Science and Industry is always an inspiring place but this weekend it is even more so! 

The Mini Maker's Fair is on today and Sunday and is full of geeks, nerds and people who just fiddle. You can talk to Raspberry Pi guys, laser cutters, knitters, sewers and generally as nice a selection of makers as you could want.

 Have a go at soldering, make some bunting, assemble a potato cannon and shoot it!!!! or the ult, enter this converted caravan.

 It's a homemade shuttle training unit. Seriously, you go in as a team of 3 with  a pilot (the one who steers), tactical officer (the one who shoots) and engineer (the one who makes sure you don't blow up accidentally) and have to engage on a space mission. The whole operating system was written by the guys who had the mad idea to make it, and they are such good fun to talk to.

 I'd love to get them up just for a family party weekend and have a blast playing Alien with the brothers. Actually, it gave me a whole idea that Spaceport should do which I may well put in a letter and send to them. Ideas, ideas, they just grow.

I have had such a good day and have a brain full of ideas that I want to do; mostly involving getting the downstairs garage set up as a workshop and letting my little engineer run free with the soldering iron.

 Don't know what he'd make first. but the potato cannon powered by all the redundant Lynx spray deodorant we have must come close to the top.

 Hope the video loads, here.

And just to prove that the fair had something for everything, here is the Princess making her own bunting. My but the sewing machine was Yar. Brilliant.

 Have a good rest of the weekend, see you Monday!


  1. Now that's what you call an interesting day out!
    Lisa x


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