Am I mad?

I have recently (last week) finished my granny square blanket. Here it is in pride of place on my bed & edged by me*.

I am one of life's impatients so I just did it... hence it just goes on the top of the bed. Well, my dearest darlingest husband, who protests about anything frilly, pretty or pink, has said that as blankets go, it is pretty useless. I think the words "no decent tuck in" escaped his lips sometime. The next time he thinks anything like that he will mutter it under his breath, or he'll be murmuring for a while when they wire his jaw together.
Any way, I finished it, may go back and add some rows of treble stitch down each side as a.... peace offering, is the word, but I was basically tired of grannying. Ho Hum.
Didn't do anything for two nights. My hands were restless, my humming was irritating me and I was at an impasse. I'm impressed I can spell it, don't ask me what it means.
If it were Christmas time (I love Christmas) I could have made cards, decorations, baked or even hummed carols (somehow they are a lot less annoying than 'busy doing nothing') But it is Easter... fluffy chicks? (Chick envy... Molly Chicken's blog had chicks on appropriately enough!) Dyed Easter eggs (that's easy... go see Mias Landliv for the cutest gingham eggs)
No, nothing made my top knot twitch or my fingers tingle (one is lice; the other is Reynaud's and only happens in the cold) And then I had it....
I would make a new and improved blanket. A ripple stitch blanket. A blanket big enough to tuck in and tell my hubby to tuck off.
So, here I am rippling along. I have 10 inches of cute ripple that reaches from floor to carpeted floor on my King size bed. I think I overestimated the shrinkage of the waviness. Never mind; I didn't check until I'd done the first three colours and undoing was not an option. What'll tuck a lot will tuck well. And my husband will sleep well next winter under a blanket that I can truthfully say is original, completely my own work and inspired by all the ripplers on this website.
By the way, yes I'm new to You tube; They actually had a tutorial on ripple stitch. Check it out here.

Pictures to be added later... B****y computer & the light & the children..... Oh tuck it!

I also meant to point you in the direction of Metteflette's blog... these little eggs are so gorgeous & I may have to make the 5-year old girls equivalent!!


  1. Can't wait to see your beautiful ripple blanket. Why do men always do that!!!! I just know I will have to succumb to trying ripple.

  2. Must not start ripple blanket, must not start ripple blanket... Oh dear, now I want to start a ripple blanket! I must be strong - after all I haven't started the bookmark yet - argh! I echo Wendy's comment - can't wait to see the blanket either, I'll bet it's just gorgeous - who needs tuck in anyway :)

  3. These men just don't appreciate things of beauty sometimes! Looking forward to seeing your Granny blanket, you finished it so quickly, I'm impressed!
    I've sat here today practicing some crochet, it's been years since I crocheted and I think then I just kind of made it up as I went along.

  4. You are a glutton for punishment! But when you're all snug it'll be worth it.

  5. Also lookuing forward to seeing the ripple blanket, I'm afraid crochet is still not my strong point so I'm quite safe from ripple blanket temptation (for the moment.....!)

  6. Grrr your husband sounds like mine, he thinks everything I make is useless.... make him sleep blanket-less with the windows open whilst you are snug in your granny and ripples and then he'll be sorry he ever spoke!!


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