Thank God for Holiday Clubs!

My three darlings are out from 10 til 12.30 today courtesy of the nice people at a church who are running a holiday club based on Dr Who. It's called Dr Y and is aimed at children from 5 to 11. All 3 of mine raced in this morning, so I'm confident that they're enjoying it. I also know I'll pay the price later on when The Princess starts singing 'Jesus You're my Superhero' at full pelt in the supermarket. She should have been in the Sally Army, she is so loud when she sings especially 'holy' songs from Sunday school or ordinary school. But my old teacher when I was 11 used to have an answer for that... "He who sings, prays twice over" and I'm pretty embarassing myself, although not as cute.

So I have two hours to myself. What shall I do?

Drink coffee?

Cut and stick into my inspiration book?

Ripple a few rows?

Or tidy my kitchen.

Now, if I was Anthea, I could tell you about the joys of a clean kitchen. But I'm not, and I won't. Just so long as we don't all get food poisoning & get ill, my kitchen will do. But I think a little judicious use of the Flash & a little elbow grease might be in order... and I can practise the everyday presence of God! Zen homemaking, here I come!

Then I can have the coffee while I cut and stick with my ripple blanket on my knees. Who said I couldn't multi-task?


  1. I'd leave the washing up !! Sit down, enjoy your coffee and get sticking !!

  2. Enjoy your day - the washing up will only take 10 mins, but you'll feel so good for it being done (I can't start something until I've done the washing up - sad, I know!). Have fun with your inspiration book, or seeing as it's such a lovely day up and down the country, perhaps a spot of reading in the sun? (with suncream, I am nursing a slightly over-sunned face, and that was after only an hour's gardening - in April!!)

  3. Oh my goodness, washing up is the only house work that I really run from, but once it's done there's always a huge satisfaction. :)
    Somehow your post reminds me some mornings of mine.
    Hope you have enjoyed your "me" time. :)

  4. I missed the time to give advice, but I'd have gone for the coffee and sticking too!

  5. Housework is for boring people who don't have anything better to do with their time.

    It sounds like you have plenty of crafts to be getting on with before the washing up takes priority! Anyway, I'm a firm beliver that being too clean makes children susceptible to getting ill.

    So get the kettle on and that crochet hook out my girl!

    x rach

  6. I would definetly leave the washing up but each to there own enjoy your free time.

  7. Get sticking with a coffee.

  8. Jo,
    Hope you enjoyed your day whatever you did (bet it was craft related!)

    Funny isn't it, when I'm working and really busy I seem to fit everything in, very good at prioritising, but given a few hours to myself and I'm really torn between what I should be doing and what I want to be doing!

    Having spent the day listing stuff on Ebay I'm going to spend 1 hour now on housework so that I can relax with my crochet tonight. Hope you do the same, your blanket's looking good.

  9. Well, whatever you did, I hope you had a truly lovely time! Holiday clubs - now why didn't I think of that! x

  10. Hope you left the washing up until later and enjoyed the "me" time, coffee and crochet sounds good!
    L x

  11. Hope you managed to leave the housework and enjoy the me time. 'Should do' can often take priority over 'I'll please myself for a change'!

  12. Just to let you know that I am still in blogland ...just had a few problems with typepad and I'm now back on blogger.

  13. Very well done. Wise decision.

  14. re your comment... Very close, but not *quite* ;-)

  15. I LOVE this post.
    Cherry xx

  16. hello from South Brittany !
    oh you can crochet ? how fortunate you are !!! I love it !
    I'm ok for the magazine swap ! lot of fun to expect !!!

  17. I can remember my youngest and my nephew racing round last year in capes singing 'Jesus your my superhero' too.So cute! You do know I'll be singing that all day in my head now!
    (PS. yes I hope I get to cop of with the best man we've booked a hotel room!)


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