Happy Birthday to a boy that's 9!!!

This is my number 2 son (that's birth order, not preference)

He was born 9 years ago today at 10.30 at night. I didn't get a lot of sleep that night; not just because the hormones of what is potentially one of the most magical things I have ever done were rampaging around, but also because I had the Goblet of Fire as pain control and I had to finish it.

This is my sensible son, very practical, physical and even tempered (unless it's a game and he loses. That's when the monster appears.) He's more of a were-wolf than a vampire, and really more of the hero than the monster. Good at maths, smiley, just very cute.

G force and a BBQ at his Grandmas. What a way to celebrate!


  1. Your son is such a very cute boy. Happy birthday to him and I wish him to have a good and healthy body. God bless!!!

  2. Happy birthday to the boy, there's always a wee monster lurking around somewhere LOL.


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