Small Claims proposal needs some small actions off you!!!

The Insurance man from BIBA on BBC Breakfast this morning was on about Whiplash claims again... You do know there's been a 41% fall in whiplash claims, don't you? I know he never said so, but there has. To hear how the Insurance industry rave on about it, you'd think every day we put in a claim for whiplash. We don't. And a decent lawyer will not put in any risky claims for whiplash because they know it gets laughed out of court. The other little insidious clause in the government's proposed reforms is to raise the small claims limit to Ā£5,000. Like Ā£5,000 is a small claim. That means 90% of accidents including accidents at work and on the road would effectively not get free legal representation. They'd have to go to court facing the insurers who, you can bet your bottom dollar, will be fully lawyered up. Are you cross yet? Cross enough to act? Here's what to do: 1. Read this website 2. Send Liz Tr...