Wednesday Wind Up

Bet you never thought I'd make it this week and on a Wednesday?

True enough, my Hygge job is taking off. We have a Facebook group, The Hygge Nook, of around 192 members that keeps me busy finding the bits & bobs to post and administering the applications. It's a lovely place, very hyggelig, full of positive and happiness. Just the post-Trump comfort we need.

And physical work is fun as well. I write this at my desk, as Mr AJ is out to see a client and the phone lies silent for the moment. I'm enjoying being an Office Ninja, but I have to say I miss my time at home. I don't get a chance just to sit and be. And I was always a great human just being.

Then the Big Festival is rearing its head. I am simultaneously full of anticipation and horror at the closeness. Anticipation because I know it will soon be here!!!! (39 days as I write) and horror because my to do list is a page and a half (no, make that two pages long) and my bank balance  is probably not going to make it any where near December before exploding.

But I am not panicking. I am going to have a hygge Christmas. I know so. I have my plans in place and I have my provisions laid in and as long as I can grab time in the beginning of December for final planning and prep I'll be ready. My bullet journal tells me so.

So, to my Wednesday Wind Up;

Reading: I am reading Thomas Hardy again, The Woodlanders.

 It was my challenge for the year, and it will take me into 2017 as well. I'm not exclusively reading Hardy, I found I needed breaks along the way. My phone book (as in, the book I read on the Kindle app on my phone) is Black Moon by Winston Graham.

 It's the 4th... 5th? Poldark book. I have to read far enough ahead to keep Sarah happy about plot developments (please, Mummy... he's not going to die is he?) but not so far ahead that I lose place and forget what I've read already.

And hygge or hyggely books feature strongly as well. This week my Thursday book will be a classic blast from the past, Simple Abundance by Sarah Ban Breathnach.

It's so good to see Sarah posting and writing again on her blog and social media. She had such a profound influence on me in my early years as a Mother, and still shows me the ways to age gracefully.

Watching: What am I watching now Cap'n Poldark has left the screen?????

Yes, that's a gratuitous Aiden Turner photo just to cheer up your day. You're welcome.
Well, I've moved on to another historical series, one that may just keep the family watching.

The Crown is on Netflix and available as a binge-watch session.We watched the first two parts last night and, once we'd stopped going "Oh, look! It's the Doctor!" we really enjoyed it. So far the old King is dead and we have a new Queen Elizabeth. Stand out performances come from John Lithgow as Winston Churchill (yes, that's right, an American playing a Brit. Get used to it) and Eileen Atkins as Queen Mary. I am always predisposed to like Queen Mary just because she had a Doll's House to die for.

Visiting: Oh my. I owe you all an extended blogpost for this. I went to London last weekend and watched The Lord Mayor's Parade. In fact, that's all I'll say on that matter, and I will (honest) blog about it in another post. Except to say I had a lovely time, despite the rain, and can't wait for my next London trip.

Spending: I went to London and it's nearly Christmas. Duh.
My spending is in a terrible state, I have things I need and things I want and at the moment I am getting just what I need but wanting to get just what I want. It was ever thus. I could do with another quiz show with big prize money, or a win on the Lottery. Instead, it rains on me.

Crafting: Christmas crafting is getting done... slowly. I got inspired by Sally of Sally's Shed. Her house paintings are beautiful, but at £10 to £15 for a small block, I couldn't justify the expense.

I'm having a go at Christmas houses for the grown ups of the family. The children (who really aren't children anymore) will have to have money and lump it. as long as I get the money saved up for December. Added to that, I saw a Christmas Tree Garland from Kate of Just Pootling  on Instagram and I am desperate to make that in time for the festivities! My fireplace needs a new garland like a hole in the head....

Any Other Business? Not really. It's mid November, which means there is a lot of fiddling and getting ready for Christmas. I need to build blog reading into my daily schedule, so that I can get back and catch up with my bloggy mates. My life seems to have sped up immensely since I stopped work in school. Blogs take a lot of time to read and write, and a lot of my interactions with fellow humans seems to be on Social Media. I'm very active daily, on Facebook as Jo Kneale, Twitter as @AngelKneale and Instagram as  BritishHyggeJem. I also administrate The Hygge Nook, which is a lovely group and you are all most welcome to join if you like hygge or want to learn more about it. I spend a lot of my day now writing letters for the husband, which is fun.


  1. I'm missing Poldark now it's finished. I read the first book but I'm enjoying the series so much that I don't want to read the books and find out what happens before it's shown, I'm usually the other way round preferring to read the books first. Those little houses are so cute, I really like them.


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