Want to stand up against Small Claims Changes? Here's another thing for you to do...

Have you signed the petition against small claims changes? Go and do that... and then write to your MP. Here's an example of what to write:

Dear ………………………. MP,
On the 17th November the government announced its plans to prevent people who are injured through no fault of their own from having free access to an independent lawyer by increasing the small claims limit from its current £1,000 to potentially £5,000. Innocent injury victims will be forced to fight insurance giants on their own to get compensation for their injuries.
The insurers talk about whiplash and fraud being behind the need for these changes. However, the statistics show that whiplash claims are falling and fraud (even on the insurers’ figures) affects less than 4% of all claims. Yet, these changes will impact on every motorist and minor injury PI claimant. That cannot be fair.
Increasing the small claims limit will place justice beyond the reach of thousands of people and just make more money for insurers who are already posting record profits.
Please stand up for our legal rights and oppose any changes to the small claims limit. They will have a big impact.
Yours sincerely,

Send it off, and wait. If enough of the general public act and react, we may get the decision reversed when it is made, and at the very least will have shown we have a voice. If you, or anyone you know has claimed for an injury, you need to share this post and write this letter. Your access to Justice is being threatened by Big Business and there's still time to shout out about it. Do it now!!!


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