Do you cycle? You need to read this article

If you or anyone you know cycle regularly then you need to read this article

Government whiplash crackdown would also hit legitimate claims from cyclists say campaigners

Car crash (CC licensed by stephalicious via Flickr).jpg

This is wrong, yes? If you agree, then you have more things to do:-

1. Write to your MP. You can use the letter in this blog post…/want-to-stand-… as a template. Don't forget to say you cycle.

2. Sign the petition. If 10,000 sign, we get a response. If 100,000 sign we can push for a parliamentary debate on an issue that at the moment can just be passed with no argument. takes you to the petition.

3. Share this post on any social media you're on. The more people who know what is proposed, the better. £5,000 doesn't seem like a small claim to me.

I am writing this post because I work for Peter Kneale Solicitor. We handle a lot of claims for less than £5,000. We don't think it's fair that people who are injured through no fault of their own would have to face the power of the insurers in small claims court without having experience and legal know-how on their side. It's denying justice to the people who can't afford to pay. And that's not fair.


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