Manifesting my perfect (working) day.


I have read (and listened to) The Secret recently. I think I can see the reasoning behind some of it, like you get what you focus on, you create your own luck through self belief and that you can achieve what you want to. There's a whole element of the book that talks about manifesting what you want; that you talk and act and think as if you already have the job, house and other attributes of the life you want and they will be manifested i.e. made real.
I'd like to think so. I want to believe that my life can work out and be as good as I want it to be.The Secret says that something as easy as a parking space can be manifested if you only believe that it is there for you and, I have to say, the space I want is usually in the space I want it to be either straight away or within a short time.
I've always been a bit Pollyanna-ish, always expect the best and see the good in every situation and I am still seeing the positive where I am now, but I'm beginning to feel that it's not the place for me for much longer. So in the spirit of the Secret I crave your indulgence as I walk you through my perfect working day so that it can manifest for me in the near future.

I wake at 6.50 and lie in bed for 10 minutes listening to Today on Radio 4. Sometimes I wake up earlier, and hear the programme from the start, but that's very rare.
7am and it's up and out of bed. The Princess is getting ready for school so I come down and make a cup of chai tea for her and me, before she leaves at 7.30. BBC Breakfast News is on in the background, but usually the Princess reads and I might do a little crochet or read a few blogs while we wait.
Once she has gone, it's back upstairs and time for my shower (using The Sanctuary orange scented gel) and to get dressed. I don't go out to an office, but I still dress neatly. A smart top, usually pretty colourful, and dark trousers with flat ballerina slipper shoes. I feel more efficient when I am dressed well, even if nobody will see me.
The house falls quiet after the teenagers have all gone. Mr AJ and I go down for breakfast, hitting the table at 8am. We have tea or coffee and toast or perhaps a slice of yesterday's cake. The office hours run from 8.30, so by then I'm at the office computer (not my laptop) in the dining room, with my hands-free headset and ready to do my job.

Mr AJ kisses me and steps across the hall into his office. And we work. For Peter Kneale Solicitor.
Most days there is a rush of phone calls around 9am, clients checking on their case or other lawyers with a query about a case we're handling the other side of. Mr AJ has me as a receptionist to answer, hold the person and then to pass across as long as he's free. Several times a week he has to go out to see a client or to a breakfast networking meeting, so then I take messages and record everything for his return.
I have a small caseload as I'm training as a paralegal. Just the easy RTA's that need little more than entering on the Portal and chasing along. I check my Outlook for any emails that have come in during the night, and for any significant dates coming up during the week. I might have some calls to make as well, clients to ring and clarify details with, insurance companies to query, or other phone errands He asks me to do. The morning passes quite quickly, until it's time for elevenses. I stop and take the chance to throw in a load of washing before I settle down to the next part of my job.

This is more IT based. I check out the functionality of the website, that the links are working, upload more content or free PDFs for client advice and that the Facebook and Twitter accounts for Peter Kneale Solicitor are still carrying relevant content. I might have to draft a new blog entry or to carry out editing and sorting tasks on the software we use that handles our cases.
I have time now to write a blog entry for me, or to look up some details for a task I'm planning. I've got several projects that I'm working on, from a virtual training course for tutors to a novel that I write in my spare time. I'm still wired up to the phone and recording messages as they come in, passing them across to Mr AJ or keeping the messages if he's out.
I have so much to do that boredom is very rarely an issue. I have a certificate to study for and any spare time can be spent reading or writing for the course. Sometimes Mr AJ is out visiting clients or businesses and I'm house-based. We try and make sure that any phone calls between business hours are answered by a real person, so there is a touch of the Weather House about us; if I'm out, he's in, if he's out, I'm the receptionist.

Lunch is simple and tasty. We used to have 'just' sandwiches, but I like soup, and if I make it thicker and call it stew Mr AJ likes it as well. Or we have open sandwiches, noodles, or as a treat some days a pasty. We stop and have a half hour break together, drink our tea or coffee and watch Sky News.

The afternoon pattern depends on whether either one of us is out. I like to take at least one afternoon a week to visit my parents, so I'll leave Mr AJ in and working while I take my Mum out shopping or for a quick coffee.
Of course, if he's out I'm in, but I might take more time to get the house sorted a little more, to tidy and hoover or to check on the state of the office; I keep it well stocked with the paper, envelopes, folders and paraphernalia of a working office. I might have the rest of my cases to look at and work over, ringing people who were working during the morning, or catching insurance companies to chase payments or argue the claim. I have some letters to produce, but the case software takes a lot of the hard work out of communication.
We both print out our letters and get them ready for the post before 4pm. Sometimes reports and evidence need to be sent out and that has to be taken to the post office. It depends who's free to take it.
A couple of evenings a week I have tutoring from 4pm. It's only a couple of hours to keep me in touch with teaching. I love taking a child who isn't very confident and seeing them bloom as they learn to trust themselves. I teach at the dining room table, and it signals the end of my official work day. I tidy the dining room up afterwards, pootle into the kitchen and begin to cook tea.
Mr AJ works a little longer, until tea is ready, when we stop and get together as a family. If we need to, we might do more work after tea, but only if we have something big coming up, or have spent the day out, or I want to study some more and have an assignment to write.
At least once a week we actually take an afternoon off to have lunch out, go for a coffee and talk business and to make sure that our life is rolling along just how we want it too. It's good. We have less stress, less illness and have a happy time. We're together a lot, but not too much. We've always been really good at spending time together and working together is just an extension of that. We make enough to cover our  living expenses and save for the inevitable rainy days. Work is good.

Thank you for reading, if you've got this far. This is what I want my work day to look like soon, and what I am working towards. If you or anybody you know needs a personal injury lawyer in the North of England (anywhere from Wales to Cumbria to Newcastle to Sheffield and all points in between) then please remember Peter Kneale Solicitor. He's really good, even if he does buy me whole chickens and expect me to joint it myself.


  1. It's an interesting theory behind The Secret but rather than focusing on how I want my life to pan out, I tend to wait and see what comes along. I'm quite happy to pootle along, I don't have many dreams or aspirations, not sure what that says about me. I think your ideal working day sounds lovely. I know lots of people who wouldn't like to be with their partner 24/7 but I'm like you, I love the time we spend together and could quite happily rub along during work hours as well as the rest of the time. I hope it all works out for you.

  2. I probably tend to the Pollyanna side of life too, and there is nothing at all wrong with that in my view. I like your idea of positive thinking. I try and think and do and be positive as much as I can - don't always manage it of course!! - but you can only try can't you. So with all of that in mind, I hope and think and am sending out there to the universe that you will very very soon be having your perfect day, every day, from Monday to Friday and enjoying different perfect days on Saturdays and Sundays - with no work needed on those days!!! Your perfect day sounds very interesting and fulfilling and I hope that it comes true - for you and your husband! xx

  3. I believe very strongly that knowing what you want in your life will bring it to you, and that writing it down will make it happen. A goal or dream that stays in your head is just a wish, but to write it down brings it into your life. How? I don't know, but somehow it does. I love the "Notes from the Universe" ( which are a daily reminder of believing in your dreams - yes, it's good to see where life takes you, but you wouldn't get in a car without knowing where you're going to drive to, would you? xx

  4. I really liked reading this account of your day. I haven't read The Secret but I've heard interesting things about it. I do think that it's possible to affect outcomes with our thinking. I feel like I've done that all of my life. It doesn't always work out but it often does. I wanted to comment on your cuckoo clock; I have a similar one but much less fancy. No people coming out and no thermometer, but it does have the same little flower boxes and I have a little cowherd and cow on mine. My grandfather brought it back from Germany after WWII. It hangs in my kitchen.

  5. I hope it all works out for you. Why not get the butcher to joint the chickens? That's what I do!

  6. It sounds like you are nearly there with your dream life. I read "The Secret" years ago but have to say that I didn't get as much out of it as you. I'm a bit more slapdash with my life vision I'm afraid. I do want to change things soon though - make an exit from teaching and try something else - so possibly I should revisit the book and try to be a bit more pro-active about my own life. Interesting food for thought. Judy.

  7. You really sound like you have got your work and home life balance just as it suits you - this isn't always easy and sometimes you have to make big, rather scary decisions to get there. Glad to hear you are both enjoying it, sounds good
    Caz xx

  8. Lots of this sounds just like the days I plan to have post-17th July. I hope that you achieve your dreams soon too! Jx

  9. You have certainly put a lot of thought into how you would like your work/home life balance to be and I really, really, hope that it comes to fruition.
    Lisa x

  10. I hope you achieve your dream life - it sounds good and not unattainable, I haven't read 'The Secret' despite being a self help book addict. Think it may well give exactly the opposite advice to the Mindfulness book I am reading right now!

  11. This is a really interesting idea. I do hope you manage to achieve your ideal balance of work and family life - it's something so many of us strive for.

  12. It sounds a good balance of work and family life and by writing it down, you've taken steps towards making it happen. I wish you the best of luck! xx


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