Present for presents

Of course I know that Christmas is about more than just presents, I do, I do.
But I do dearly love a haul of gifts that will brighten my winter and take me through to May when I can add to it with my birthday. I like a variety of gifts; I very rarely get a BIG present, generally I don't do perfume, I'm not a big Label lover and anything I need electronically I will save for and buy when I need it.
So, what did Santa bring me this year?

Rachel Khoo's new book. I loved My Little Paris Kitchen TV series and book a couple of years ago, so I jumped at the chance to get this book for Christmas. I love the recipes but even more I love the photos of a life lived partying in France.

It's very like the quilt of annual pictures that flood the blogosphere at this time. Attic 24, Little Tin Bird who managed three very pictureful posts, and Domesticali among the rest.

My favourite picture from the book is this wintery scene with a red hat and red skirt standing out against the black coat as well as the white snow. I always read books with covers like this; the flash of red is what grabs me.
 Dark chocolate gingers. My Nan ate these and got a box every year that she could dip into alone until I reached about 10 years old and realised that the hot throat burning was actually pleasant. Nana died 13 years ago; these are my present from and to her. More fun than a cold half hour in a graveyard when the spirit of a person is not there, but always with us. I shall suck on these with a sip of something strong and bless my ancestry.
 A copper cookie cutter. This is the Eiffel Tower. I need to bake a gingerbread Eiffel Tower. How do I explain that to my husband? "Well, you know that bit in Close Encounters with Devil's Tower, Wyoming..."
 My winter viewing for the next few weeks. In between tidying up the house, getting the washing done and daily updates on Mr's business website...... and work again from Monday, children to and from school and homework monitoring (JW, do your homework!!!)
I saw Pacific Rim with my boys and was the only 40+ woman in the cinema. Don't know why; it was fun. And Downton of course was my Christmas Day highlight watched on Boxing Day as we were home too late to keep the kids up.
Actually, if I get to watch any of this series again it will be a pleasant surprise and probably as snowy as in Rachel Khoo's photo above.
 More sweets! I love Love Hearts, as I wrote on this blog nearly 5 years ago, so a large tube to keep and break out if said snow day above ever happens is very welcome.
 My socks for the house have sparkly bows on. seriously. And I have proper slipper socks as well!!
 Dotty manicure set. Actually the Princess got proper nail varnish so we had fun playing spa day yesterday. I will show you my nails. Life needs sparkle, sometimes.
 A pyrographed wooden box. I made these presents, by which I mean I bought the boxes and decorated them. Pyrography was my learnt skill last year. I enjoyed it, since it's basically drawing with fire and I can draw. I mean to do more. If it can be pyrographed, it will be.
 My satchel from Zatchels. I bought it for myself in March when they had a half price sale and I kept it until now. Who said I have no patience?
 My new purse. I love the bird pattern from Cath Kidston and this was my big present at Christmas. Love it. Love it.
 And the sticker that it was wrapped up with. I'm keeping that.
 My bag charm from Traidcraft. The princess gave me this. It sits on my Filofax and clashes beautifully. I suppose I could be an absolute spendthrift and get an aqua Malden to match, but I am not such a desperate person, and crimson and turquoise actually do go together well if you close your eyes. Besides, it would be cheaper to buy a new bag charm.

So, there's my very long round up of what Santa brought me. Nothing too extravagant, enough to keep me happy during Winter and into Summer. I love them all, and will cherish them more for the memories of who gave them to me or why I get them than for what they are.

And my most treasured present of all actually came via email. DP, aged 15, wrote me a story. I love it. Please call by tomorrow to read it!


  1. Gorgeous gifts. I love Cath Kidston too, that purse is very pretty.

  2. I love the glimpses of life you often get in cookbooks too. And that Cath Kidston bird print. I went in just before Christmas and tried on a skirt in it, but it made me look like a sack of spuds. Shame.

  3. Lovin' your stuff! But the dark chocolate ginger would be the one for me. I love that combination!


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