Gratitude 2/365

  • Messing on the computer to draw up a poster for Attendance Tigers at school
  • Sharing chips with curry sauce with my three children
  • A Virgin TiVo box that means I can watch Sherlock again (and again and again)
  • Having Nordic slippers that keep my feet warm
  • The final day of Christmas lights. I'm de-Noelling tomorrow

Money Spent today
Chips £9 (included a curry sauce and large sausages)
Drinks £3
Filofax Finance sheets £2.50

I sort of feel I should record what I've smoked and what I weigh in a Bridget Jones way, but I didn't ever enjoy that book, I don't smoke, and I daren't tell anyone yet the truth. So, no. Gratitude and spending are enough for now.


  1. Good luck with your gratitude and I'll look forward to reading your posts.

  2. Love the red slippers, they look very toasty indeed.
    My husband has never watched Sherlock, but he watched the new one with me and is now a convert!
    Lisa x

  3. Yum, I love chips and curry sauce, I always get it all to myself as no one else likes it.


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