Gratitude 6/365

Tivo meaning I could watch an excellent episode of Simon Schama's history of the Jews that I recorded back in September.
Kindle meaning I can read Robert Harris' new novel, An Officer and  Spy about the Dreyfuss Affair in France.
Laptops meaning I spent about 2 hours trying to get a site web for Mr Angel Jem's website.
Galaxy Tab meaning I can post on Blogger even now while my laptop recharges.
My Family meaning all of the above are only tools to enhance my life with Mr AJ, DP, JW and the Princess.
Money spent
4.48 on a wrap from McDonald's for lunch
9.30 on fish for tea and a small custard pie that had my name on.
I haven't spent much on line this week: what I have has been refundable by other sources (for school or business) so I'm happy with that.  First sign of the laptop out and I get asked to do this, that or the other. Being busy is a good way to avoid spending.


  1. Hello, I've popped across from Julie at Little Cotton Rabbits. I love your idea of posting what you're grateful for, this is something I've been working on myself this year, I want to be a better person. st started a blog myself and I would love to join you in posting the things that I'm grateful for but I didn't want to copy you without asking first. So pleased I've found your blog x

    1. Please feel free to copy the idea; mine is a copy of Sarah Ban Breathnach's idea which I'm sure is a copy of someone else's idea. Gratitude is a win win situation for us all.And it's lovely to meet a new friend!


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