That was the Week that was...

We went away. Hello, Everyone, I'm back! We had a week in Shropshire, which effectively translates as 4 days at Ironbridge. I promise, pictures and a post on Best of British later, but today I'm up to my elbows in muck and bullets and it's all Her fault. You see, she's back on Wednesday at 8pm (BBC 3) and if my house isn't cleared, clean and tidy I will not be able to watch it in peace without grabbing a feather duster and clearing the cobweb which hangs down above the TV. It's been there for two months now, and if it grows any longer it will interfere with the picture, at which point I suppose action will be inevitable, but at the moment we are co-habiting. I don't interfere with it, it won't interfere with me. Until Anthea comes along. Two years ago, if you'd have said that one of my viewing highlights was going to be a programme about housework fronted by Anthea, I would have said you were crackers and that I'd need a full-frontal lobotomy to watch. I've looked, but I can't see the scar, so he must have been a very good surgeon because, yes indeedy, I am counting the days until the new series of Perfect Housewife. But I do need a clean and tidy house before I watch it, otherwise I have to keep cleaning while it's on, and I fully intend sitting on the sofa next to my princess, both wearing marigold gloves and clutching matching pink feather dusters and crying out "Baskets!" every time we see Anth visiting some hapless person whose house, though in need of attention, wasn't that bad, really, at least, if you ignored the state of the taps, the fluff under the fridge and the dust bunnies under the bed..... sounds like home, actually.
And afterwards, the interview stage of the Apprentice.... who will get through? Please, not Katie. If ever a woman was scarier than Anthea, it's her....


  1. I'm glad you had a good trip! Good luck with the cleaning - I have a mountain of ironing to tackle, which is made much nicer by the addition of a Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall DVD to watch whilst I do it :)

    Have a good week!

  2. Glad you had a good time away! Nice to see you back!

  3. Hope you had a great time.
    Don't forget that ridge above the living room door...I've washed my white gloves and I'm ready to go!!!!
    Take care,
    Alison x

  4. Oh my goodness this sounds like one that I need to miss if I want any free time to myself ever again.

  5. We LOVE Anthea in this house - and like you i never thought i would watch this programme and enjoy it so much!
    It really does make you want to clean and buy baskets - however, the thought of cleaning the house before the show starts - well i'm afraid you are on your own!!!
    Tracy x

  6. I love watching those 'clean your house' programmes just to re-assure myself that there are folks in this world even slobbier than me!

  7. Glad you had a great hol. I don't know what I'm going to do at 9pm on Wednesdays when the Apprentice finishes. I'm with you on Katie - those eyes, enough to give you nightmares!

    Julia x

  8. I look forward to seeing photos!!
    I think you either love or hate Anthea's show - I love it but it makes me feel like cleaning after I've seen it - not before!

  9. Hope you had a wonderful trip! Good luck with the cleaning before she returns!

  10. You make me laugh with your story of cobwebs. I have one in the bath. I told my husband it is a new chandelier. Guess I will dust it away now. Wish we had that t.v. show here.

  11. Now my daughter tells me she wants a picture of Anthea up in her bedroom! What kind of Frankenstein's Monster have I created here!

  12. Haha! I too, have a cobweb behind my TV that appears overnight from nowhere! Guess I better find my duster!

  13. I think maybe I should avoid Anthea!! I'm glad you've had a nice break Jo, bet the kids loved it!

  14. I've never seen the Anthea Turner programme. The how clean is your house programmes I love though. My house is a tip, but I always start frantically cleaning after that's been on.

    As for the Aprentice, well doesn't Katie just drive me totally mental. However she is compulsive viewing, what will we do now she's gone ????!!!!


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