How many bloggers does it take to change a lightbulb?

The answer is none, because they go out to coffee shops where someone else will change it for them.

I met Sarah today of Everything Stops for Tea. My first blogmeet in the flesh! And it was very good fun. We both probably knew what to expect from our blogs, but you can't help worrying that there will be awkward silences or that you won't get along. There was one silence, and I really mean more that there was a pause while we both breathed. Chatterbox? Moi? Well, I thought so.... until I met Sarah! We had a wicked time & I'm very pleased to have met you at last. See you again, soon, I hope! (Do you fancy coming to mine for a craft and daft night? Bring your family.... I have the valium so I'm sure I could cope!)

My many, many thanks must go to Dollie Daydream who had a blogoversary competition that I won. The bag is glorious, the book is so much fun & the ribbon is being hotly contested as I write. The Princess has nearly but not quite said what I say to my Mum, that it's too good for an old lady to have. Hmmm. Spit in the wind.....

And the chocolate? Well, PT took them all out to the park for a walk on Saturday and I put on the Waltons (series 1; a birthday purchase) and ate the whole bar. Decadence beyond decadence.

Finally, I bought a book to prime the well of inspiration. I have had 'The Artist's Way' for a few years now and like to read it when I need to remind myself that I am an artist, so when I saw this in Borders I decided it might be just what I need to get me out of my creative rut. And if not, then I'll still have a record of my artism this year. Unfortunately, I have had no time since returning from a coffee break that lasted 4 1/2 hours (!) so I'll have to read it and start it tomorrow.... only working pm, nothing on for Weds/Thurs yet, have a list of projects that I want to have a go at this week.
I still need to take time and consider my future. I need a part time job, but like the proverbial rocking horse droppings they are rare. I probably need to build a better CV, with some real foundation stage experience..... I may need to volunteer (shudder) in a nursery for a while. I want to get some stock made and set up an Etsy shop..... but it's intimidating when you look at all the stuff that is being made already and I need to find a niche market and fill it..... and I need to shop for food. How many meals can you get from one pack of mince? I'll be finding out tomorrow!


  1. Aaah, you're back and sounding yourself again. I'm so happy. I also have something for you, but I'll drop you an e-mail about it.... ooh, mystery, intrigue...

  2. It's so nice to hear you again. xx

  3. Hi! I hope this means you are feeling better?

    I need a part time job, too. I would settle for a weekend job at a department store sales desk! But, this is something we have to wait until spring for...

  4. Hi Jo, so glad that you met Sarah. She is good fun isn't she? I was seriously worried about you after your last post. I hope Sarah cheered you up. It is hard getting back into the work force after being at home with children for years. Don't give up, you will find a nice part time job. You have a great writing talent, so if your art is half as good you have nothing to worry about. I hope you can make it to Birmingham in August to the quilt festival. With LSM, Sarah and myself we will have the best of times.

  5. You sound so much better! There is always light at the end of the tunnel even though sometimes it might not seem like it.

    Have you looked at TA (Teaching assistant) positions? I know at G's school they are only in in the mornings. Sorry if I am suggesting an already discarded option.

  6. It was good fun wasn't it!!! Plus If David Tennant sets foot in my house I'd be telling no one, especially not you lady!!!! We'll deffo have to have another get together soon!


  7. Glad to hear from you again.
    You can get a lot of mileage from a pack of mince...believe me I've tried:-)
    Take care,
    Alison x

  8. Your a supply teacher aren't you? What about private tutoring? Anyway glad to hear that you had such a good visit with a fellow blogger and good to see you posting again.

  9. Glad to see you back. It's hard when you want to change things and can't see the way forward.


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