Hot Chocolate for the soul.

A while ago Posy posted a picture entitled 'Heaven' which, if you are Posy afficionados you will remember was her feet(!) and her fireplace. It summed up her idea of heaven and probably that of a lot of other people, too. Well, yesterday one of my ideas of heaven popped through the letter-box. I wasn't blogging when I went to see this, but if I had have been I would have told you that a friend and me went to see it together, that we spent a fair proportion of time talking about the sets and that we came out feeling happy.... well, we did take a small bottle of wine and a decent box of chocolates into the cinema with us.
And now it's on DVD! And it came to my door yesterday!
You have to realise that I love Christmas. If Christmas had been a man I would have married Him, I love it that much and I love Christmas movies with a, well, a passion that means I don't put a time bar on them. Christmas in March? Well, why not? I truly live according to Dickens' injunction to keep Christmas in my heart and honour it all year long. Hey, I even started my present shopping the other week! So yes, I have ordered this movie, but I don't object to watching it now and tomorrow, my first free afternoon since it came, I have made my plans. I will come home from school with one or possibly two frappucinos from Starbucks; something yummy to eat (it may be a Waterfields' steak pie or a salad depending on how virtuous I am feeling) and I am going to close the curtains, snuggle under a (light) blanket and watch what was possibly the best film I saw last year. No, it won't change the world and it was romantic mush, but it had such wonderful redeeming features as a house to die for, the best den-tent I have ever seen and a crying-all-round happy ending.

And then I will get up, collect the princess and a friend and make wax-resist easter egg cut outs to decorate my windows with. 'The Holiday' is not going to be boxed in my Christmas box. Like 'The Muppets Christmas Carol' and 'The Polar Express' I think this is an all-year movie.

And, who knows, I may even sit there with my notebook and take notes on all the interior design possibilities it has to offer. Blue checker-board teapot and red rose cushions, anyone?


  1. Ooohh! You've listed some of our family's favorite holiday movies, too! And like you, our copies are not put away. I still haven't seen this one with Jack Black yet (oh that man cracks me up!) - but I hear it is a must-see movie. Thank you for stopping by my blog today!

  2. Don't go all christmas on us, it's spring. Spring, Easter, pastel colours, baby chicks, way better than christmas !!

  3. I need to hire that film now. I didn't get around to seeing it at the cinema. Have a lovely afternoon.

  4. Hi Jo
    A girl after my own heart! I to adore Christmas and have an extensive collection of Christmas films. This is on my list of 'to gets'.
    Jo is the bookmark swap still on as I've nearly finished mine. Can you e-mail me with what I have to do as I'm new to this swap thing.


    You need to remove the brackets on the above e-mail address.

  5. Oh my goodness - I picked that up in the supermarket last night, got home, put my shopping away, poured myself a glass of wine and sat down to watch - I love this film...

    I want the cottage - and the tent in the girls playroom.

    Its such lovely film. I love the singing in the video shop bit - I do that myself (plus dancing in inappropriate places - yes, that's right, I have NO shame!!!!)

    Hope all is well and that people are better in your house!

  6. I haven't seen the film yet, but my daughter raved about it. In need of a cheer up so might have to visit Amazon ... hope you're finding time to enjoy Spring too!

  7. I don't know how but I managed to miss this film so I think I will have to get it on DVD myself as I love Christmassy films too and this one looked particularly wonderful. Hope you enjoyed your afternoon watching it.


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