I never told you about my holidays...

I never picniced at Thor's Stone
I never took my children to find a geocache
I never even got to sit out that much.

Where did the summer holidays go? Hey, I want them back!!

DP started 6th form today and it was a revelation as to how hopelessly organised he is. *hangs head in shame* He doesn't handle change and challenge well, so the next few days will be a matter of gently pushing him to get organised, find out who is in his group and grow up, just a little. JW just strolled into Year 9 while the Princess goes back tomorrow. But I still want to be free.

I had a lovely holiday this year, I will post about it tomorrow. We had such a relaxing time, I need to record it for posterity, since this blog acts as a kind of diary for me.


  1. I hope that they all have a great year at school! xx

    1. Princess was happy to get back. She missed her friends during the summer!

  2. Aw, I'm sure they'll have a wonderful year and you'll be spending lots of time together at night and on the weekends. How long until the next school break? :)

    1. 8 weeks. I know the time will fly by, especially once we hit the rhythm, but it's dragging at the moment!

  3. Just found you and read a few posts - my kind of blog so I'm following now. New term looming here too though have a few more days and at least the sun is shining.

    1. Welcome to you! I see you're from Ireland but now in the North West; if you're any where near Liverpool, it must be like home from home! (I wink)

  4. I recognise what you are talking about very much. H started his 6th form year yesterday too - and despite my best efforts to get him to organise stuff the night before we had the usual last minute scurry which failed to turn up the calculator he only remembered he might need on the way out of the house! But it's hard getting back to routines especially after the extra long post GCSE exam break. I think organisation and teenage males don't automatically hunt together much either! Wishing you some happy September days that still have a holiday echo. E x

    1. Thank you! It's good to know that others are suffering too. Now as long as Jo Through the Keyhole comes up with an admission that Eleanor was dreadfully disorganised I shall feel fine! (but Eleanor is a girl so probably completely organised!)

  5. I'm so sorry but Eleanor didn't go back until today but she had got her bag packed on Tuesday evening because she knew she was out for the whole day yesterday as it was my birthday. She got in last night and topped up the dye on her hair ready for today and had her clothes hung on the outside of her wardrobe ready for this morning. The alarm was set for 7am and she was up and getting ready before I was out of bed, she even had time for a bacon wrap for breakfast. I hate to tell you this but Daniel was just the same and he's a boy. I hope DP has enjoyed his start to sixth form. Eleanor had an early finish today, 1.30, and has written notes for Biology and started on research for a Psychology assignment until tea time. I just hope she keeps it up because actually, she's not usually this organised, lol.

    1. I'm not talking to you again.

      Na, not really. I'm so pleased Eleanor has gone in happily. Enthusiasm is a wonderful gift!

  6. I could be wrong but the photo looks like Llandudno in North Wales?


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